18:19:10 @orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help

標準規格を長期的に見るべきって長年ずっと言ってきてずっと否定されまくってきたオレンジ的には、これでもし将来 老舗なテキストエディタがVSCodeの挙動を後追い実装し続けなきゃならない開発状況に陥るとしたら、それ見たことかで愉快><

18:12:23 @orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help
2021-10-29 01:08:21 Posting orange orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help

(...)" But, as Perry writes, "Chrome effectively dominated developer mindshare, provided more powerful and easier to use extension APIs that became far more popular, and both Firefox and Safari … killed their own APIs and accepted Chrome's, unintentionally allowing Google to unilaterally set the web extension standard." This is what happens when no-one is around to push back against the market leader."

18:12:17 @orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help
2021-10-29 01:07:40 Posting orange orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help


"...if Apple doesn't stand up to Google's Blink juggernaut, it doesn't look like anyone else will either.

Just what does that juggernaut look like? Web developer Tim Perry recently pointed out that once upon a time every browser was offering their own add-on APIs." (...)

Web site image
Apple Safari browser might become the new Internet Explorer
18:11:57 @orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help
2021-10-29 00:54:32 Posting orange orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help


Apple Safari browser might become the new Internet Explorer • The Register theregister.com/2021/10/22/saf

"Is Safari saving the web?"の説から最後までにだいたい書いてあると思うので・・・読んで><(?)

Web site image
Apple Safari browser might become the new Internet Explorer
18:11:45 @orange_in_space@mstdn.nere9.help
2022-01-03 17:45:26 Posting unarist unarist@mstdn.maud.io

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