iOSのGoogle calendarを久しぶりに開いたらイベントを作った人だかのアイコンがそれぞれのイベントに表示されるようになってた。なんかキモい…。なんでじゃろ。
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
営業力社のSafari強制アップデートによりノマド仕事の電池が虫の息です。Safari使ってないのに #Mastodonを控えなされ
$ /bin/nosh
zsh: no such file or directory: /bin/nosh
This account is not set to public on notestock.
$ foreman run -e .env.production bundle exec bin/tootctl accounts create zunda --email zundan@gmail.com --confirmed --role admin
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby31, which recognizes
warning: 3.1.0-dev-compliant syntax, but you are running 3.1.0.
warning: please see https://github.com/whitequark/parser#compatibility-with-ruby-mri.
bundler: failed to load command: bin/tootctl (bin/tootctl)
/home/zunda/c/src/github.com/zunda/mastodon/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/gems/bootsnap-5fedb52badb3/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:34:in `require': cannot load such file -- net/pop (LoadError)
from /home/zunda/c/src/github.com/zunda/mastodon/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/zeitwerk-2.5.1/lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb:35:in `require'
from /home/zunda/c/src/github.com/zunda/mastodon/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/mail-2.7.1/lib/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3.rb:36:in `<class:POP3>'
$ foreman run -e .env.dev bundle exec bin/tootctl accounts create zunda --email zundan@gmail.com --confirmed --role admin
$ ruby -e 'require "net/pop"; p $LOADED_FEATURES.select{_1 =~ /pop/}'
$ bundle exec ruby -e 'require "net/pop"; p $LOADED_FEATURES.select{_1 =~ /pop/}'
-e:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- net/pop (LoadError)
from -e:1:in `<main>'
$ bundle exec ruby -r net/pop -e 'p $LOADED_FEATURES.select{_1 =~ /pop/}'
/home/zunda/.rbenv/versions/3.1.0-preview1/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/runtime.rb:309:in `check_for_activated_spec!': You have already activated digest 3.1.0.pre2, but your Gemfile requires digest 3.0.0. Since digest is a default gem, you can either remove your dependency on it or try updating to a newer version of bundler that supports digest as a default gem. (Gem::LoadError)
from /home/zunda/.rbenv/versions/3.1.0-preview1/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/runtime.rb:25:in `block in setup'
$ rm Gemfile.lock
$ bundle install --path=vendor/bundle
$ foreman run -e .env.production bundle exec bin/tootctl accounts create zunda --email zundan@gmail.com --confirmed --role admin
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby31, which recognizes3.1.0-dev-compliant syntax, but you are running 3.1.0.
Please see https://github.com/whitequark/parser#compatibility-with-ruby-mri.
bundler: failed to load command: bin/tootctl (bin/tootctl)
/home/zunda/c/src/github.com/zunda/mastodon/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/gems/bootsnap-5fedb52badb3/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:34:in `require': cannot load such file -- net/pop (LoadError)
Ethereumとスマートコントラクトの勉強してウォレット作ったら自分でNFTを作って売りに出せそうで、これこそ非中央集権の良いところなんだろうけど、それじゃあ資産は動かないんだろうねえ。はーうんこ #おっさんの妄想です
Rebuild: 324: Trust Comes First (rui314) https://rebuild.fm/324/ #rebuildfm