00:37:01 @austin@mstdn.party
2024-02-24 12:45:45 亚寒带针叶人の投稿 perci@g0v.social


01:44:35 01:45:36 @austin@mstdn.party

@limitlessplume @equatorjournal17 “账户设置”和下面那个“设置”是不一样的。

07:00:32 @austin@mstdn.party

@equatorjournal17 这要看什么奖了……


07:00:36 @austin@mstdn.party

@avrin It's Meta, they are just that good in plagiarism... like IG Reels (TikTok) and stories (Snapchat)...

TIL there's also "Facebook Stars" which is just a tipping jar with Meta taking a 25% cut... Wonder where they got that idea from...

07:00:38 @austin@mstdn.party

For the trip back home, I took the (my usual commute doesn't include it). The lights at Snowdon station look quite futuristic. Gotta appreciate the art in metro...

It has been 4 years since I've been on the orange line. Takes me back to my cegep days where I'd observe the passengers and read the métro (newspaper; defunct) on the métro...



Lights arranged in circles suspendes above the escalator.
Attach image
07:00:41 @austin@mstdn.party

@RosethornRangerTTV A walrus at my door probably just means that climate change has reached a very extreme stage which, unfortunately, is not very surprising anymore. But a fairy? I must be trippin'.

07:00:46 @austin@mstdn.party

@laprice You gotta define "as effective as a human CEO." Effective to who? I think there's a difference between "maximizing short-term profit" and "making sure the business lasts for long." Also, how do you count the hours? An AI CEO likely needs much less hours than a human CEO...

07:00:54 @austin@mstdn.party

@davidpmaurer Sure, but on the supply side, how do you prevent people from selling pots for pennies during an economic crisis (which we're likely near) and thus making more oligarchs? On the other hand, if pots are popularly perceived as very valuable, how do you prevent them from flipping pots (re: housing crisis)?

15:41:26 15:41:38 @austin@mstdn.party

@gumbofunk You may want to consider using a client other than the official iOS app, since it intentionally omits the local/federated timelines (which is where most of the activities are).

15:50:47 @austin@mstdn.party

@gumbofunk You should use a different Mastodon app.

16:00:26 @austin@mstdn.party

@gumbofunk Unlike other platforms where third-party clients are usually outlawed, Mastodon allows third-party clients. In joinmastodon.org/apps under "iOS" you can see there are different apps which you can try out. As for why you shouldn't use the official app, you can see that on the web interface there's "live feeds" on your right, but it's not on the official app.

Web site image
Get the Mastodon app
16:05:11 @austin@mstdn.party

@gumbofunk To some extent I agree, it does take significantly more effort (especially for non-technical users) to start using fediverse than any other platform, and the makers definitely didn't make the process easier.

19:14:04 @austin@mstdn.party
2024-02-25 18:51:13 Mx. Luna Corbdenの投稿 corbden@defcon.social
