2024-02-10 17:46:29 valの投稿 val@cutie.city



@amgine It's above 0 in Montreal...


Who thought it's a good idea to put up an of a luxury apartment in a university ?


( Wong 1F)

A framed advertisement poster, depicting a luxury apartment, above an urinal.
Attach image

@jonas FYI, @matrix had added a Liberapay account that has SEPA support: liberapay.com/matrixdotorg


@a Even worse, it's gonna be literally under -5°C for next week...


@Lana Hello. I'm an undergrad student, soon to graduate! (This is intended as an age field.) I used to throw in a few fixes for some coding projects. I also helped planning transit in imaginary cities (although I never drew anything on a large scale). Oh, one time I had too much fun modding Instagram that I got a cease & desist from Meta...


@elias0roa Yes, there is quite some engagement in the fediverse, but you need to work for it. See fedi.tips/how-do-i-find-accoun for how to find people to follow, and fedi.tips/how-do-i-get-more-fo for how to increase your reach. In my opinion, most importantly, try posting content with relevant hashtags.


@prisixia Riding a horse seems quite difficult...


@avrin I don't have gestures on my phone (Sony Android 9)... But I did use temporarily use gestures when I borrowed an iPhone for a while. Anyways, I'm indifferent...


@vorboyvo The story is that I asked three finance kids (lesson: never trust people in management) where is good for lunch and they said Hinnawi Bros, so another day I suggested it to my friend who's trying to kill time, we went and she said it was friggin expensive... The only thing they're good for is that they give out free pastries at closing (see mstdn.ca/@austin/1112955424049 ).


@JHein It's newsmast.community/about that claims to create "hand-curated feeds" while in reality it just scrapes a bunch of hashtags...


@g0ma_ 日本語が理解可能ですか、会話は難しいので、通常は英語に返事されています、ご了承ください。通釈は不要です。


2024-02-11 07:00:35 Austin Huang ❤️の投稿 austin@mstdn.party

@Lana Hello. I'm an undergrad student, soon to graduate! (This is intended as an age field.) I used to throw in a few fixes for some coding projects. I also helped planning transit in imaginary cities (although I never drew anything on a large scale). Oh, one time I had too much fun modding Instagram that I got a cease & desist from Meta...

2024-02-11 15:09:08 Dottore Chiの投稿 selfsame@tiny.tilde.website


2024-02-11 14:00:05 Maple Baconの投稿 maplebaconctf@mastodon.social


The linked tweet from Joe Biden (@JoeBiden). The text says "just like we drew it up." The picture is the portrait of Joe Biden with the eyes shooting red laser.
Attach image

@alexiswatson I wouldn't say the there are consequences for actions on fediverse... I think the problem of bad interactions is universal to all social media platforms... See also erinkissane.com/blue-skies-ove .


@antilastman @Lana Eh, I used to, now I lack motivation to do new things...


@mfjurbala Spam is what it is; @haise has already mentioned it. Projects that are technologically able host a moderation bot (Draupnir/Mjolnir) to clear spam via a community ban list. If the project's room moderators are simply not aware of moderation bots, then they should check out docs.draupnir.midnightthoughts to get themselves a bot hosted.


@Aqraf Ah, yes, safety videos... I can't pick a best one out of the ones I've flied with, but I somewhat dislike Korean Air's K-Pop one (their new one is even worse)... Among the ones I've browsed, ANA's kabuki one, as well as Delta's old pop culture ones (in around 2013), are pretty good.


I love how despite 's in has a curriculum that emphasizes , its application page looks incredibly ugly and unintuitive. Pagination at the bottom of the main content does not save what you have filled nor warn you about unsaved work, while the save button is at the top of the page content (NOT sticky). The font sizes are messy, and the textboxes are so far apart from each other... Maybe should consider overhauling its application page first...

2024-02-12 16:17:09 IFTASの投稿 iftas@mastodon.iftas.org



@cyrus @xyhhx I guess Matrix homeservers get shut down for more common reasons...

- Too much effort for few active new users (some)
- Gets spammed by registration because the owner left it open without realizing (much more than you think)
- Gets spammed/harassed by remote accounts (a few)
- Resource strain (some)
- Setup failure (plus.st)
- Opposition to Matrix itself (disroot.org)
- Failure to solicit donations (pragma-messenger.ch)

Some just go down without notice, even...


@RapidKebab If it's in Bronfman or Armstrong (full offense) then I can understand, but this is Wong... An engineering building, out of everything...


@bigheadtales That was not the case when they bought the domain, and by the time they knew .af was being returned to the Afghan regime (which is already the Taliban) some time ago (earlier last month?), they immediately announced that they wouldn't renew the domain and urged everyone to move off ASAP, so your bashing is misplaced. See also wandering.shop/@jepyang/111919 .

Web site image
jjeeppyyaannggg 🧝‍♀️ (@jepyang@wandering.shop)

@l3viathan @hagen It does require some effort (and the right homeserver), but I wouldn't say it's "unusable" now. Though, I guess me being a Discord guru prior to using Matrix probably helped... (I should also mention that Element *is* an Electron app. While non-Electron Matrix clients exist, there are feature disparities. Anyways, I've written a Matrix guide: joinmatrix.org )

Web site image
Chat Freely with Matrix.

On advice of a classmate I decided to check out 's Islamic Studies . I'm certainly not disappointed with this retro decor and this comfy couch under the staircase, in contrast to the other libraries that feature brutalist buildings with bland interior... (See blogs.library.mcgill.ca/islami for more info on the building's history.)


If Walls Could Speak: The History of Morrice Hall
The Octagon Room. As seen from a study desk flanked by bookshelves on both sides, lights coming in from stained glasses.
Attach image
The couch under the staircase. A lamp is present.
Attach image

I implore everyone to reconsider their position on . Despite the project owner's effort to actually reach out to others (including IFTAS) for feedback, as well as their willingness to provide a full-feature (that already respects follow rules, implements deletion, etc.), the blowback has been disproportionate. I recognize that there has been a failure in communicating what the bridge does, which I seek to shed some light on right now.


I noted that the which is two-way, is actually well thought out. Deletions are bridged (1). Follows are sent through standard means, so locked accounts are respected (2). There are plans to federate reports (3) and there is a moderation policy (4). I do not believe they're as ignorant as some people claim.

1. snarfed.org/2024-02-12_bernie-
2. fed.brid.gy/docs#behavior-mism
3. github.com/snarfed/granary/iss
4. fed.brid.gy/docs#moderation-po

Web site image
Bernie the Wordsmith: “@snarfed.org How would bridgin…” – Mastodon en masto.es
Web site image
Support for moderation activities ?? Issue #596 ?? snarfed/granary

Through my observations, it appears that the is presented as an equal to other instances. Clearly many do not think so, based on their convictions of users, which bears asking: what makes BlueSky different from, say, a generalist Mastodon instance? In other words, why is opt-out, yet must be opt-in?


Some insist on various legal bases like GDPR, but let's not kid ourselves here: the is built on shaky legal foundations. Instances operate on unwritten gentlemen's agreements rather than terms of service. Most of us take for granted, but we lose control of our data once it gets out. In fact, I believe that if we're to enforce legal rights, then the fediverse will come down very quickly.


I think the needs to seriously grapple with the problem of using platforms to label and divide people. Yes, platforms do bad things, but does that mean they "deserve it?" Does not using your preferred platform make them inferior to you? On a personal scale, you have free will; but on an instance scale, there is a difference. I urge 's to reconsider once they launch formally.


Now, I call upon @snarfed.org to respect the popular will and implement opt-in for while properly (ie. in clear terms, not PR) communicate to the public how exactly the works. I implore all participants to remain civil and stop ridiculing them as the "techbro" you claim them to be, especially since I've seen people trying to dig through the owner's personal life and bash them based on their work experience at Google!


End thread. Let me know if there's anything I did not cover.


@3dcandy See my thread afterwards...


@3dcandy I'm aware, and they have free will as long as they consider how it affects their users. Yes, culture clash (based on dubious values), but it is what it is.


@anantagd It has happened before: mstdn.jp and mastodon.cloud were shutting down due to new platform liability laws in Japan which they determined to be "very difficult to comply with." The shutdown was averted by the instances' sale to Suji Yan who placed them under a Cayman Islands company. In an atmosphere where Section 230 is under attack, I imagine instance liability will be immense, even harder to deal with given the federated nature.


@anantagd Now to privacy laws. It's simple: do you vet every instance that you federate to? Did you agree to their privacy policy (ignoring that many don't even have a working one)? How can you make sure they don't do whatever you claim Bluesky does?


@anantagd It is your personal choice whether to block an instance or not, you have free will, and I have explicitly referred to that.


@toneji It's a BlueSky-ActivityPub bridge (among others, but that's the point of contention right now)...

2024-02-13 12:51:08 Ryan Barrettの投稿 snarfed.org@snarfed.org


2024-02-13 20:45:09 Chris Pirilloの投稿 ChrisPirillo@mastodon.social


2024-02-13 21:07:29 Marco Rogersの投稿 polotek@social.polotek.net



@jlo Then equivalently you shouldn't trust ActivityPub instances to do the same... While I don't have examples of occurrences, there are examples of Pleroma instances (yes, on the right wing, but I'm only showing you it's technically feasible) abusing MRF to publicize remote users who block local users individually, in order to harass.


@Aaron @nopnop @vmstan 1. In a fediverse user's perspective, the bridge just acts as another instance, you can see who's following you and take measures against users or bridge as a whole just like any other instance and unlike, say, RSS. 2. If you object to Bluesky, that's your free will, I could not care less. 3. Why do you get to stop people from pursuing a hobby project? Also your argument wouldn't stand on Matrix, for example (where bridges to other proprietary platforms are encouraged).


@isotopp Hello, I run the homeserver list, which is my personal effort and NOT affiliated with matrix.org (even though they link it). The omission of the default matrix.org is intentional. Matrix homeservers don't expose user count in the API, but a relative size comparison exists. Legal jurisdictions are written in the detail box. I fail to see how "cyberfurz" (cyber + furry + plural) is profane. Unmaintained servers are regularly removed. See joinmatrix.org for more guides!

Web site image
Chat Freely with Matrix.

@lrhodes I'm only saying they're not as ignorant as many claim them to be; the details are to be argued between you and them. Otherwise, they would not consult moderation and technical experts et al. for 3 months and announce this well in advance of actually launching the bridge! Yes, they want people to use the bridge, which is why I believe a prompt opt-in (which they plan to implement before launch) is the best solution for both sides (minus domain blocks due to their communication mistakes).


@Telmina KeePass 2.0シリーズ(PCはKeePassXC,AndroidはKeePassDX)を試してみようが?データベースはローカルのファイル、そしてブラウザ側に自動入力がいます。


@l3viathan I will not sugarcoat it: the learning curve is still quite great and overlooking some aspects (for encryption, eg: security key for backup, don't sign out everywhere, etc.) can degrade your experience. But it certainly has improved a lot in the past 2 years.


@ChrisBoren Yes, the Ansible playbook would be the easiest solution. I know someone who had a manual install and borked during reinstallation...


@naan My GitHub profile does link to this account...

To be fair, I now sound rounded only because I'm the admin of a (supposedly) large general instance (read: I don't want to make others guilty by association) and I had an extremely unhealthy amount of exposure to social media inner workings (read: I know too much)...


@MagicLike Do you have some criteria over the choice of the Matrix homeserver?

2024-02-14 22:27:24 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■の投稿 xy@mastodon.mit.edu



@isotopp I'm not German, nor is the server (the owner @hack13 is based in the US), I interpret the homeserver name as I've written in the previous reply (which is likely what the owner intended) and I will not remove it based on a coincidence.


@sakurajima friendsyu.me has announced measures; see friendsyu.me/notes/718dadb81ef, so I'd lift it. For m.mxin.moe I've notified the owner (in Mandarin) but they appear to be inactive, we'll see.

2024-02-16 00:57:16 #MstdnParty Announcementsの投稿 staff@mstdn.party



As per m.mxin.moe/notes/9pru8c2off934 , m.mxin.moe has taken measures against spam and thus can be unblocked shortly.

cc. @sakurajima @mxin



Between 5:12am and 6:15am UTC mstdn.plus was hit with 111 registrations that are part of the Japanese-language , which were intercepted.

1. The accounts have "$USERNAME@chitthi.in" as email. (UPDATE: other tempmail.plus domains have been observed elsewhere.)
2. They appear to be solely using Tor exit nodes. (UPDATE: IP subnets removed; you can find a list of Tor exit nodes somewhere.)





@MomentQYC 但是现在明显有攻击西方长毛象实例的趋势……


@nf3xn @shoq @tchambers The bridge does not process private posts; see fed.brid.gy/docs#visibility . Unlike bird.makeup, if someone from Bluesky follows you, then it triggers a follow (request). You following any bridged account by itself doesn't allow the bridge to get your posts (even before he implemented opt-in), not to mention the bridge hasn't even launched. Also, the platform is long subverted due to how political fediverse is, and that leads to conflicts, not the other way around.


@janxdevil @shoq In github.com/snarfed/granary/iss he's still working out how to federate reports.

Web site image
Support for moderation activities ?? Issue #596 ?? snarfed/granary

@jbcrawford On top of what you said, I think Matrix also betted on the EU DMA way too much, that I feel like New Vector (and the previous foundation leadership) was more planning to coerce others (notably "gatekeepers") to adopt Matrix as an interoperability solution, rather than having Matrix actually become a platform in its own right. Of course, the current leadership is in a much better shape, but the damage is already done.


@crcdng Matrix (the federated chat protocol) also had an open source metaverse implementation called Third Room: thirdroom.io . Mentioned at the very end of matrix.org/blog/2023/09/matrix , Matrix.org ended its funding late last year, and no updates have been observed since... Honestly, I wish there are organizations working directly for this (so that they can have full attention) instead of just chasing fads with side projects...


@strypey Personally I approve his design either way, but I do not want to exclude other people's experience with Bluesky, should they have one. I also don't think it's a hill worth dying on given the outlash.


@shoq @tchambers It's not. If you look at the replies of my post you can see some object to this solely because they hate Bluesky based on some external factors...


@berniethewordsmith If there is a culture, it is that of fear. POC fear harassment because they don't have the tools. Project maintainers fear blowback even after consultations for several months. Instance admins fear defederation due to not being able to know the "whole story." ActivityPub advocates fear other platforms subverting the userbase despite gaping holes in usability. So on so forth. Consent is important, but the current approach is avoiding the hard questions about fediverse itself.


@MagicLike All homeservers on my list (which @haise linked) satisfies the moderation criteria (or at least appears to), and the majority of them are in EU. It's difficult to measure reliability but servers.joinmatrix.org/users.h provides a relative size comparison (most of them are in EU).

2024-02-16 07:00:57 Austin Huang ❤️の投稿 austin@mstdn.party

@berniethewordsmith If there is a culture, it is that of fear. POC fear harassment because they don't have the tools. Project maintainers fear blowback even after consultations for several months. Instance admins fear defederation due to not being able to know the "whole story." ActivityPub advocates fear other platforms subverting the userbase despite gaping holes in usability. So on so forth. Consent is important, but the current approach is avoiding the hard questions about fediverse itself.


-area residents can now apply to test recharging your OPUS card on your phone, via the ARTM Chrono app.


2023-10-26 20:15:29 sohyeon hwangの投稿 sohw@hci.social


2024-02-17 00:10:35 Yuki.Nの投稿 yuki@comfy.social



@ch0ccyra1n Bus with eyes like me

(At one point I did convince quite sone people on Discord to use that avatar with buses from their locale... though currently it's just @rexo on her IM accounts)

2024-02-16 02:18:16 Austin Huang ❤️の投稿 austin@mstdn.party


Between 5:12am and 6:15am UTC mstdn.plus was hit with 111 registrations that are part of the Japanese-language , which were intercepted.

1. The accounts have "$USERNAME@chitthi.in" as email. (UPDATE: other tempmail.plus domains have been observed elsewhere.)
2. They appear to be solely using Tor exit nodes. (UPDATE: IP subnets removed; you can find a list of Tor exit nodes somewhere.)


2024-02-17 14:44:34 Urusanの投稿 urusan@fosstodon.org
