07:00:09 @austin@mstdn.party

@xoagray @Karb_Derg Unfortunately it's hard to promote rooms/homeservers in Matrix, and matrix.org directory being disabled doesn't help...

For searching rooms on many known public homeservers, try matrixrooms.info . For furry places see matrix.squirrel.rocks/furry_se . For an active queer space there's the-apothecary.club/ .

Find rooms on the Matrix Network
07:00:09 @austin@mstdn.party

@Zurdo @maikel So does Etar. Of course the layout differs (Etar more or less follows AOSP's calendar, Simple/Fossify has some originality).

In terms of syncing, I use EteSync with a selfhosted instance, since it's e2ee.

07:00:14 @austin@mstdn.party

@Telmina Most moderately-progressive instances (at least in my perspective) use blocklists compiler by @oliphant . See writer.oliphant.social/oliphan .

07:01:01 @austin@mstdn.party

@Karb_Derg Do you mean the messages are no longer decryptable on your PC? Did you verify your device? Did you enable key backup (and, if so, fetch the keys from there)?

07:01:01 @austin@mstdn.party

@fell @peturdainn I think Nheko reuploads the attachment on forward...

21:59:39 @austin@mstdn.party