Nice day to wash bed covers.
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 8/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 45.9 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 50541/10000000 (In compliance)
Just a decent memory use this morning for this instance.
cld3-3.1.0 does not seem to be built on Heroku:
$ heroku apps:fork --from zundan-mastodon-staging --to zundan-mastodon-master
$ heroku pipelines:add zundan-mastodon -a zundan-mastodon-master --stage development
Enable Automatic Deploys from master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout master
$ git rebase upstream/master
$ git push origin
$ ruby -r ./siteconf20170509-1178-131c6bz.rb extconf.rb
sh: 1: protoc: not found
"you need to install protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality"
Mastodon master with cld3 works on Heroku with heroku-buildpack-apt but I feel this a little bit cranky:
I've just paid the cost for this instance on Heroku for April, whic is $8.32.