I heard a non-negligible number of people say, "God created only male and female", implying that gender diversity is merely a bundle of invented phrases that do not reflect the truth and promoted only to stir political arguments. The below is my answer. I don't believe my message will reach the intended audience, especially in this "liberal" world of Fediverse, but I thought I wanted to say something on this.
Thousands of years have passed since God created the world. While the world has changed, no one is to blame for these changes. Instead, we are obligated to keep God's unchanged message: to love ourselves as we are — not as we think we should be, nor as we once were.
The Bible teaches that God created Adam and Eve, but it does not reveal every detail that would unfold over generations. We are not called to replicate the situations of Genesis. We are just expected to practice His most important message of true, unconditional love.
We no longer live in paradise, and reality is complicated by nature. We must learn to embrace this complexity and follow the path back to the kingdom of God — a path clearly illuminated by the deeds and teachings of Jesus.
Whether gender diversity is a result of the Fall or an adaptation in a fallen world is something we never understand. But one thing is certain: we are not allowed to judge the unanswered matters on God’s design of humanity in order to determine who deserves to be cast the stones.
By seeing the full reality of our neighbors without prejudice, or nostalgia for simpler times set in our glasses, we honor God’s call to love and understand one another, just as He loves us all.