




https://mstdn.jp/@Sujiyan/109574674604600973 より https://mstdn.jp/@Sujiyan/109574771751906029 まで]

my financial story is related with Bitcoin and Ethereum; also invest in friends and my own company contributed as well. I was connected to crypto folks through Linux foundation folks. Make it short- financially I’m holding large assets. But these folks I know triggered my bad memories on nation states. FBI arrest Ethereum foundation researcher Virgil (his last trip was Osaka b4 he was arrested); EU police arrested Tornado cash dev. While scammers are still - around.

These wrong doing of state gov reminds me Aaron and many ppl who suffered. I have relatively vast reading on political theories (though I don’t publish much since I’m not affiliated with any institution) from Open Society and Terranova’s accelerationism on free labor etc. (ps you may find around 3-5 my English articles on this topic) - and seems experiments on solving problems are necessary.

so I’m always quiet active on these theories and active academic and industry groups. Recent ones are folks from Radical Market, talked with Glen and more with Vitalik. Another quiet familiar guy is Balaji (who’s my company’s shareholder) who wrote Network State recently. I don’t think these theories are flawless - they’re far from that. They also have the tendency of techno-utopia. (Check out Vitalik’s blog on Network state).

But I’m happy to have experiments on giving autonomy to society. Fediverse imo should have autonomy and new democratic practice- that is separate and independent from national states. This is far from network state but just the beginning of network society. But I’m optimistic that in my life time (maybe in 50years) we will see such independent network state emerge.

I’m blessed to be both quiet close to an elementary ‘sovereign individual’ from political and financial perspective. And I’m willing to deploy my skills and money on these things as long as it’s not harming existing communities.

P.S. I’m big fan of the Ghost in the Shell, which Mask’s logo took some idea to show respect. None of you guys noticed???
Sci-Fi usually have ultra realistic predictions. No matter ‘Metaverse’ or what. One of my friend (also token holder) https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/陳楸帆 have books in Japanese. Try if you’re interested.「ネットは広大だわ」😉

P.S. Prof Nathan and Prof Andrew are great folks and Prof Nathan have a book published with Vitalik https://nathanschneider.info/books/ . He’s also one of the first journalists cover Occupy the Wall St. he’s on Fediverse as well @ntnsndr ! Prof. Andrew practice witchcraft; mainly so called Zero Knowledge magic. It’s kind of ‘black magic’ but it’s key to defense You-Know-Who.I also happened to practice witchcraft / black magic a lot of cyber self defense

Web site image
Suji Yan (@Sujiyan@mstdn.jp)
Web site image
Suji Yan (@Sujiyan@mstdn.jp)

https://mstdn.jp/@Sujiyan/109574548144756518 より https://mstdn.jp/@Sujiyan/109574648109070367 まで]

this is very well written and serious writing so I’d love to make some comments.
First on political spectrum. I’m certainly people will regarded me as right wing and alt right folks usually don’t like my thoughts. Quoting EFF is quiet left imo. Also very interesting is in chinese community I was criticized being too left wing (quoting Das Kapital during interviews) and some Chinese users are kind of not comfortable with leftists (fun right?).

sorry typo: will not regard me as right wing :smile:

Then, on anarchism. I don’t know what’s the typical definition in Fediverse community’s mind. My day job is still running multiple ‘business’ - though many parts of it feels like NGO / foundation I’m still realistic on business decisions and that’s why we started 5yrs ago and I’m 26 but we managed to have a quiet large balance sheet and keep deploying money on important infra. So I’m not so called typical anarchist who think gov should go away asap :smile:

So back a little bit of my personal background/history. I jumped into the rabbit hole and researched quiet deep into the history of Internet and more fundamentally human society. I don’t have chance to meet EFF founder John P.B (who wrote the declaration, and passed away) but managed to make friends with EFF director and learn the 1st hand history. Aaron Swartz passed away b4 I moved to US but he did an amazing speech at UIUC and I watched that yrs ago;

our team talked with Sir Tim B.Lee on internet’s first days and his regrets (think abt Aaron!). I met Ted Nelson in SF b4 Covid. He’s in his 80’s but still an dreamer on computer liberty. US/EU users usually criticize me as too ‘capitalism’ and I’m quiet interesting to find out the CN and JP community think im too ‘left’?
Besides learned first hand experiences from these pioneers I have some history with activist and journalist. Actually I did a interview in Fukushima-

- in Fukushima nuclear planet at 20 yr old. Quiet risky. Guess Fukushima gov don’t like me. My activism stories such as Anti996 are available in many mainstream media (WSJ, NYT etc). These are just my little things compared to what Snowden and Assange revealed. Having mutual friends with Snowden and Assange and able to help them is my honor. Fun fact - chinese community still shitting on me working with Assange’s brother on Assange DAO.

Web site image
Suji Yan (@Sujiyan@mstdn.jp)
Web site image
Suji Yan (@Sujiyan@mstdn.jp)
@Sujiyan が何かくれるかもしれないので(笑)、一連の発言の和訳(注:超長文!)


次にアナーキズムについてですが、これがFediverse界隈で一般に何を指しているのかよく知りません。私の本業は今でも複数の「実業」の経営です。いろいろとNGOや財団っぽい面もありますが、それでも地に足のついた経営判断はしています。そのおかげで、5年前に始めて今26歳になりますが、そこそこ業績も拡大して、重要なインフラにお金を投入し続けられています。なので、政府は今すぐ消えろみたいなコテコテのアナーキストではないと思います :)



たくさんの先駆者の方々の実体験を聞く以外に、活動家やジャーナリストをしていたこともあります。実は、20歳の時にフクシマの原発でインタビューをしました。怖いもの知らずですね。県にはよく思われていないと思います。Anti-996のような活動家としての仕事はマスコミ(WSJ、NYTなど)にも多く取り上げられましたが、スノーデンやアサンジが明らかにしたことと比べればちっぽけなものです。この二人と友人になり、協力できたことは誇りに思っています。ちなみに、中国の人たちには未だに私がアサンジの兄とAssange DAOに関わっていた件で悪口を言われます。



そこで、私はいつも活発に研究者や業界のグループと交流し、積極的にこうした理論に取り組んでいます。最近は、『ラディカル・マーケット』の人たち、グレンそしてヴィタリックと話しました。もう一人よく知っているのは最近『The Network State』を出したBalaji(うちの株主)です。彼らの説は完璧とはとても言えないですし、テクノユートピア的な匂いもします(ヴィタリックのNetwork Stateについてのブログを参照)。

それでも、私は社会に自己決定権を与える試みをしていくつもりです。Fediverseは、国民国家とは別個の独立した自律性と民主的実践を備えるべきだと私は思っています。それはnetwork state[ネットワーク国家]とはほど遠いnetwork society[ネットワーク社会]の第一歩にすぎないでしょうが、私の生きている間(50年以内?)には独立したnetwork stateを拝めるだろうという希望的な観測を持っています。

私は運に恵まれ、政治的にも経済的にも「sovereign individual[主権的個人]」の第一段階のような身分にいます。そのため、これからも既存のコミュニティに害を及ぼさない範囲で、自分の能力と資金をこうした活動に投じていきたいと思っています。

「メタバース」に限らず、SFはしばしば極めて正確な現実予測をします。私の友達の(トークンホルダーでもある) https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/陳楸帆 は日本語で読めます。ご興味があれば。「ネットは広大だわ」😉

追伸:ネイサン教授[Nathan Schneider]とアンドリュー教授[Andrew Miller?]はすごい人たちです。ネイサン教授はヴィタリックと共著 https://nathanschneider.info/books/ を出していて、最初にウォール街を占拠したジャーナリストたちの一員でもあり、Fediverseにもいます @ntnsndr!アンドリュー教授はウィザードで、いわゆる「ゼロ知識」と呼ばれる魔法をよく使います。一種の「黒魔術」ですが、「例のあの人」を守る鍵です。ちなみに私もサイバー自衛のための魔法や黒魔術をよく使いますよ。


@Sujiyan Oh I see, consider it done!

2022-12-26 00:19:05 わさべさん:flstudio::blobthumbsup:の投稿 Wasabeep_music@misskey.io



@Sujiyan I have nothing to do on Christmas day so ready to accept challenge, but what do you refer to as "previous thread"?