Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTSわよ
$ sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable
ubuntu-advantage-tools/bionic-updates 27.11.2~18.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 27.10.1~18.04.1]
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
$ cat /var/run/reboot-required*
cat: '/var/run/reboot-required*': No such file or directory
a5112b51f (upstream/main) Add title to pages with missing title in Web UI (#19322)
e82467ca4 Remove timeline preview link from nav panel when not signed-in (#19320)
45ebdb72c Add support for language preferences for trending statuses and links (#18288)
678fc4d29 Fix privacy policy being empty if custom setting exists but is empty (#19318)
d4b0aa745 Fix trying to connect to streaming API when logged out in web UI (#19316)
d84c53e76 Bump sidekiq-scheduler from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (#19314)
9a685e2f8 New Crowdin updates (#19297)
a2ba01132 Change privacy policy to be rendered in web UI, add REST API (#19310)
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Gemfile
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Gemfile.lock
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in config/locales/ja.yml
\Master?/ \ますたー/
Merged mastodon/mastodon at a5112b51fdf3ec2b31690e064ea330a090e71957.
Migrating to CreateStatusTrends (20220824233535)
== 20220824233535 CreateStatusTrends: migrating ===============================
[strong_migrations] DANGER: No lock timeout set
-- create_table(:status_trends)
-> 0.0306s
== 20220824233535 CreateStatusTrends: migrated (0.0331s) ======================
Migrating to CreatePreviewCardTrends (20221006061337)
== 20221006061337 CreatePreviewCardTrends: migrating ==========================
[strong_migrations] DANGER: No lock timeout set
-- create_table(:preview_card_trends)
-> 0.0145s
== 20221006061337 CreatePreviewCardTrends: migrated (0.0165s) =================