a39e71 (v51) on Heroku-16 might have worse memory profile or might this just be from invocatinos of ImageMagick?
a39e71 (v51) on Heroku-16 might have worse memory profile or might this just be from invocatinos of ImageMagick?
The spike in throughput as well as response time seems to correspond to a spike in requests to `/users/zundan.atom` from various IP addresses. Might there be a bot network or something? https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/Y0r0h__al0tPdKlXNEw
Database status:
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 13/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 31.8 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 31751/10000000 (In compliance)
Merged a823509 from upstream to the code this instance is running on. Let's see how it runs :)
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 8/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 32.3 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 31927/10000000 (In compliance)
むっちゃ書きかけですが、Heroku Postgresからのデータの取り出し方を書きました