もうすぐリリース?wktk って作業する時間あるんかいな
Finally, I'm going ahead to remove the account and factory reset my Nexus 5 I broke the other day. It was a good device (-人-)
Data on this instance:
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 7/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 28.6 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 26723/10000000 (In compliance)
Puma and sidekiq are using slightly more memory than it should be using. Let's see what happens when moving from cedar-14 to heroku-16.
$ heroku stack:set heroku-16
Stack set. Next release will use heroku-16.
Run git push heroku master to create a new release https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/p8VR4hUvvRlfHHnz7VM
Well, promotion on the pipeline did not update the stacks.
$ git push heroku zunda-ninja-on-heroku:master
$ heroku stack
=== Available Stacks
* heroku-16
Yup. Did the same thing for the app for streaming API :)
Somewhere I learnt that `sync` does not need `sudo` to sync everything on the machine but I forgot where and I'm not sure if this is correct.
It seems that Mastodon (puma+sidekiq) consumes less memory on Herku-16 (Ubuntu 16.04; switched at v47 in the plots) than on Cedar-14 (Ubuntu 14.04). https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/CRXvtvRGPJBAp_S5EA0
https://インスタンス/users/アカウント/remote_follow を閲覧して手続きを進める。
@ykzts おおお! と思ったのですが、自インスタンスが対象のアカウントを知らない時には検索結果にあらわれないんですよね。
Still doing better in memory consumption on Heroku-16 (v47 and after) than Cedar-14 https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/bGxR8cQCvz_eK0ogqFw
Data on this instance:
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 7/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 29.0 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 26900/10000000 (In compliance)
Well, actually, Heroku-16 is no better than Cedar-14 once ImageMagick kicks in to consume memory.
@kojira たぶん zundan@mastodon.zunda.ninja に送っていただけると把握できる可能性が一番たかいです。他はログインしてなかったりブラウザ開いてなかったりすることが多いです。
@kojira ですねー。インスタンスからweb socketつないどく必要がありそうなので、クライアント側に実装する感じになりそうですね…とか思うとマルチインスタンスに使えるクライアントアプリにたどりついちゃいそう。
Comparison of memory use between Heroku's Cedar-14 stack (Ubunt 14.04; left) and Heroku-16 stack (Ubuntu 16.04; right) on this instance with single account running Puma (2 workers with 3 threads) and Sidekiq. Decreases in swap use after a peak seem to be different between stacks. https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/9brhqRf0Sz8HbU75F6M
Current status:
heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 8/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 29.7 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 28009/10000000 (In compliance)