Current status - やばい
heroku pg:info
Plan: Hobby-dev
Status: Available
Connections: 11/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-15 01:28 UTC
Data Size: 16.1 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 8193/10000 (In compliance, close to row limit)
OK, I'll put this instance into maintenance mode in a couple of minutes to upgrade the database.
This instance is now on a Heroku Postgres Hobby-basic :)
heroku pg:info
Plan: Hobby-basic
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 13.8 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 8210/10000000 (In compliance)
Plan: Hobby-dev
Created: 2017-04-15 01:28 UTC
Data Size: 16.2 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 8193/10000 (In compliance, close to row limit)
Current status
$ heroku pg:info DATABASE
Plan: Hobby-basic
Status: Available
Connections: 11/20
PG Version: 9.6.1
Created: 2017-04-20 18:31 UTC
Data Size: 15.0 MB
Tables: 26
Rows: 8236/10000000 (In compliance)
Last 24 hours with the default puma process (2) and thread (5):
- Max total memory 321.1 MB
- Max response time: 255 ms median, 1,599 ms 95%
- Max throughput 21 requests/min
- Max total memory 247.9 MB
Let's see if I can reduce total memory on the web dyno:
heroku config:set MAX_THREADS=3
So far seems to be holding up with 3 threads for a worker process instead of 5. https://mastodon.zunda.ninja/media/o95r5xs9adTZa1i1cc8