C で書かれているミニマルな ActivityPub 実装、面白そう
grunfink/snac2: A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance written in portable C - snac2 - Codeberg.org https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
C で書かれているミニマルな ActivityPub 実装、面白そう
grunfink/snac2: A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance written in portable C - snac2 - Codeberg.org https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
Ivory for iOS and Mac have both been updated over the weekend! If you haven't gotten it yet, go grab it here:
Also, a sneak peak of what is coming next:
needy girl overdose的アトモスフィアを感じられるakkomaテーマを作ったよ。どんなもんじゃろ