Glutes 2021/05/07 尻
World greatest strech
Down dog
rateral flexion
膝さわさわ腹筋 10*2
In and out 10*2
Toe touch 10.2
Glure bridge abductor 10 2
fire hydrants 10×2
Kick back 10×2×2
Crub walk 10.2
Narrow lunge 10×2×2
cursty lunge 10×2×2 cable
Db side lunge 10×2×2
Hip thrust 10×2 8kg
前傾アブダクション 10×2
cable RDL 10.2
cable pull through 10.2
cable reverse lunge 10.4
Squat Knee to elbow
Silent Burpees
Lunge twist elbow