For those who wants information about Yuito, subscribe my English posts only (available on account profile, Mastodon v4 or above).
くだらないこと言ってる人格は わんせた 、コード書いてる人格は kyori
呼ぶときは わせたん でもよし。たんってついてればかわいいので
Manages: https://odakyu.app https://nitiasa.com
Maintains: https://accelf.net/yuito (fork of Tusky)
when these instances down see here: @ars42525 @ars42525
Server Status: https://graph.accelf.net
“Wildebeest is an ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server whose goal is to allow anyone to operate their Fediverse server and identity on their domain without needing to keep infrastructure, with minimal setup and maintenance, and running in minutes.”