先日公開となった「Vivaldia 2」、もうプレイしていただけましたか?🎮
今回は Steam にも登場!もちろんページは日本語にも対応しています。
どこまで行けたかぜひおしえてください😊 ちなみに中の人はステージ2でつまづいています。。
先日公開となった「Vivaldia 2」、もうプレイしていただけましたか?🎮
今回は Steam にも登場!もちろんページは日本語にも対応しています。
どこまで行けたかぜひおしえてください😊 ちなみに中の人はステージ2でつまづいています。。
Get our first update for Vivaldi on iOS, fresh from the oven! 🥧
🎯 Pinned tabs, for a more organized and efficient browsing experience!
🔍 Search engine nicknames, which allow you to switch between search engines faster.
💪 Strong focus on #iPad ! A #browser designed with large screens in mind and a sidebar for screen optimization. All your go-to tools within easy reach!
We've also included fixes and improvements, thanks to your feedback. 😍
Still haven't tried Vivaldi on #iOS ?
Don't waste another second. Our unique #UI and the built-in functionality will take your breath away.💨
And don't forget that, with our synchronization system, you can sync data between devices for a smooth browsing experience!
Read more👇
We'd opposed #Google 's 'dangerous' Web integrity API proposal. Now they are backing off!
This is massively positive for the neutrality of the open Web. Though Google is so heavily driven by its interests rather than the benefit of the Web in general, it remains to be seen (and we strongly suspect it won’t take long) what they choose to replace it with.
Are they, for example, preparing a seemingly less obnoxious spec that is actually just as harmful to users (as they did with #FLOC & #Topics )?
It is highly suspicious that it coincides with their recent announcement to move from pay-per-click to pay-per-impression for ads.
Generally, Google hasn’t shown itself to be a trustworthy custodian of the web & we can’t let this apparent victory lure us into resting on our laurels.
A strong diversity of browsers & browser engines is going to be crucial to counteract any future attempt by a single party to dictate the future of the web.
For more on this, head to our blog. ⬇️
Last month, we gathered in Iceland for some days of work and team building.
We also talked with the brilliant developers at Porcelain Fortress, and asked them some questions about our latest addition to the #Vivaldia #arcade #game series. 🎮
Watch it now! 👇
We have official Vivaldia 2 Themes with Custom Icons! 🎮
Choose between light ☀️ (https://bit.ly/49ruqDp) or dark 🌙 (https://bit.ly/49lLBGl), or schedule both for different times of the day.
If you are in your Vivaldia era, try these out!
Here's some ways in which you can contribute to Vivaldi's growth:
1. Spread the word
Post about Vivaldi on social media, tell your friends, family and colleagues, and leave a review on Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vivaldi.browser) and App Store (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vivaldi-powerful-web-browser/id1633234600).
2. Use the default search engines
We generate revenue from partner deals with the search engines and bookmarks that come with Vivaldi by default (except Google).
3. Join the Vivaldi Community!
Join the Forum (https://forum.vivaldi.net) and share your knowledge about Vivaldi with those who have questions. Create Themes (https://themes.vivaldi.net) and share them with other users.
4. Test the latest versions
Help us test the browser by using the Snapshot version of Vivaldi. You can find the latest Snapshot for all platforms on the right of this page: https://vivaldi.com/blog/
Share your feedback in the release posts, and report bugs via https://vivaldi.com/bugreport.
5. Become a volunteer
Join our wonderful team of volunteers! There are different ways for you to help, depending on how much time you want to invest and what your interests are. Read more about it: https://community.vivaldi.net/volunteers/.
6. Buy Vivaldi merchandise
Get yourself a coffee mug, water bottle or a phone case! https://store.vivaldi.com
If you're already using one of the major #email clients but are considering changing to Vivaldi Mail, this page is for you. ✉️
Here you can read a bit more about the features included in our built-in email client, and see the differences between Vivaldi Mail and the top 6 email clients.
We want you to make an informed decision, so see for yourself and choose what's best for you.
Set any given panel to reload periodically and you'll always be up to date with the latest information. ⌛
It can be a #SocialMedia feed, live updates to an event, or changes on the financial market.
You just need to right-click on the panel's button, select 'Periodic Reload' and choose the interval that suits you better. The page will automatically reload after the the period of time you've selected.
PS. You can of course use this feature on regular tabs too, by right-clicking on them and following the same steps.
⚠️ New concerns raised against #Microsoft , this time for the behaviour of the new #Outlook .
According to @heiseonline, the giant #tech company is requesting the transfer of emails and IMAP and SMTP credentials to their servers, thus giving them "full access to all emails".
The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Germany, @bfdi, has even said he will ask the Irish Data Protection Commissioner about it during a meeting of the European Data Protection Board taking place today.
Our tip: get away from #BigTech and switch to a powerful #mailclient that doesn’t compromise your privacy!
Are you at #WebSummit2023 ?
Join our CEO @jon at 12:15 GMT, as he discusses the future of web browsers with Andy O'Donoghue
on Stage 4 (FullSTK).
Regulatory pressure, an increased need for privacy and customisation...What does the web browser industry hold for us in the next decade? 💡
On this day one year ago we opened our #Mastodon instance, #VivaldiSocial . The first browser company to do so. 🎉
We believe a distributed, open standards, non-tracking #SocialNetwork is a better solution than the current popular social networks which build massive profiles on users and contribute to division and hate.
We’re happy to be part of the #Fediverse and are grateful that more than 40 000 people have chosen Vivaldi Social as their home. 🏠
Read our celebratory blog post here: 👇
本日、Vivaldi Social がめでたく1周年を迎えました!
記念ブログ(T シャツも)が公開となっています!
To celebrate Vivaldi Social’s 1st birthday on Mastodon 🎂 , we have launched a birthday T-shirt on the Vivaldi Store. It’s available for a limited time only, so go and get yours quick on https://store.vivaldi.com/shop/happy-birthday-vivaldi-social-mens-classic-tee/ and https://store.vivaldi.com/shop/happy-birthday-vivaldi-social-womens-relaxed-t-shirt/.
Some of you might have heard about it, and the rumors are true! After many requests from our #Linux users, Vivaldi is now available as a @FlatpakApps on #Flathub .
PS. The package is not yet official, read all the details in the article below by @omgubuntu👇
More on why it is not official yet: https://social.vivaldi.net/@ruario/111416229781984173
Many of you have been asking about Manifest v3.
We wrote this blog entry about it a little over a year ago, and the content is still relevant. Our mission remains the same: to ensure that you always have the choice.👇
Have a nice weekend! 😉
New week, new chance to get this limited edition T-shirt to celebrate the first year of Vivaldi Social! 🍰
Vivaldi x Mastodon
Available in two different styles, and shipping worldwide! 🌍
We are excited to share this episode of the Better Tech Leadership podcast, where our CEO @jon talks about Work, Innovation, and Team Building in the Digital Age. 🤩
The conversation touches upon topics such as the impact of algorithm-driven content, a brief journey through computing history, a comparison of different tech ecosystems and the importance of building effective team building strategies and strong tech relationships.
Get the whole interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J7twdnofVMI or on your favorite podcasting platform! 🎧
Get ready to welcome Vivaldi on Android 6.4!
If you've been following us for a while, you know that not only do we carry out minor improvements, bug fixes and polishes with every update. We also try to bring you new ways to boost your browsing experience. 🚀
📖 From now on, you can add links to your Reading List, not just from within the #browser , but from any app with sharing functionality!
Head to the blog for all the details, and download the new Vivaldi for free on mobiles and tablets running #Android 7 or higher, and on up-to-date #Chromebook laptops.
🤖Android 版の Vivaldi も 6.4 でました!
OS の共有機能で、いろんなアプリからリーディングリストに追加できます。
SNS 見てるときに「これはあとで読も」と思ったら、シュッと Vivaldi へパスできます👉📱
Our latest #iOS update brought you the ability to choose a different #SearchEngine for your Standard and Private tabs!
Just go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings > Search Engine > Private Tab, and choose one of our #privacy -focused options! 🔎
Your #data , your business. 😎
The new extended character limitation in VS is great, but that doesn't mean the #blogging era is over! 🙅
Our #ad -free blogging platform has recently been updated to the latest @wordpress , which comes bearing gifts! 🎁
Did you know you can share your #blogs to the #Fediverse as well?
Explore all the features and get #writing !👇
Since you're here, and you're following us...we can assume you enjoy both Vivaldi Social and our cross-platform #browser
But did you know we offer other free #Community services with your Vivaldi account?
Choose your favorite below! ⬇️
Lots of people from all over the world have joined Vivaldi Social , which means you'll come across posts in many different languages. Don't let that overwhelm you! We have 2 tips for you:
1.You can select which languages you want to see posts in: go to Preferences > Other > Filter languages, and choose the languages you're comfortable with.
2. When posting, select your post's language (from the same menu as attachments, content warnings, etc.), so the right people will get your posts. You can change your default language in Preferences > Other > Posting language.
世界中の多くの人々が Vivaldi Social に参加してくれています。さまざまな言語の投稿に遭遇することにもなるでしょう。
そこで、投稿・言語設定に関して、以下2つのヒントです 🌟
・タイムラインの投稿言語を制限したい場合は、 [設定] > [その他] に移動して、表示したい投稿言語を設定してみてください。
・また、投稿する際は、投稿前に投稿文と同じ言語を選択するようにしてください(メディアを追加、公開範囲を変更等と同じメニュー内より変更可能) 。そうすることでフィルター漏れを防ぐことができます。 [設定] > [その他] > [投稿する言語] よりデフォルト言語を変更することも可能です。
投稿言語設定を間違えている人を見かけたら優しく教えてあげてください 😊
Today is not only the last day of November, but also #BlueBeanieDay , a day to celebrate and show support for #WebStandards . 💙
Tony is in, will you join us? 😄
PS. A bit tight for this year's selfie, but here's a chance to stop procrastinating and be ready for next year's 👇