
's are a great fit for Social media.

Letting you easily translate a short post on the fly with either the Panel or Pop-up!

Here you'll also find a tip on how to make your Local timeline look more like you want it to by filtering by . As well as a guide on how to make sure your posts appear in the correct language.

Title card: Vivaldi Social, powered by Mastodon Screen 1: "Translating posts in Vivaldi Browser". Screen 2: "In a Translation pop up via Translate Button" Clip 1: Cecilia Maria is marking Spanish text in Vivaldi Social and the translation pop up appearing translating it to English (US). Screen 3: "In the Translate Panel via context menu." Clip 2: The spanish text being marked and right clicked, the button Translate Selection is selected in the context menu. The translation pops up in the Translation Panel. Screen 4: "Filter posts on public timelines by language." Clip 3: Cecilia clicks the Preferences button on the right hand sidebar, then selects Other in the menu on the left scrolling down through the Filter languages list selecting Norsk bokmål, English and Español before clicking SAVE CHANGES at the the bottom of the list. Then goes back to showing the effects of those filters. Screen 5: "Change the language of your posts." Clip 4: In the Mastodon text entry box Cecilia writes "De músico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco" and goes down to the language button under the text entry button in the the searchbar she starts writing Spanish before selecting "Español" from the language results. End card: Vivaldi Community Logo "Sign up, Join in. It's free. http://social.vivaldi.net/"