
先日公開となった「Vivaldia 2」、もうプレイしていただけましたか?🎮

今回は Steam にも登場!もちろんページは日本語にも対応しています。


どこまで行けたかぜひおしえてください😊 ちなみに中の人はステージ2でつまづいています。。


Get our first update for Vivaldi on iOS, fresh from the oven! 🥧

🎯 Pinned tabs, for a more organized and efficient browsing experience!

🔍 Search engine nicknames, which allow you to switch between search engines faster.

💪 Strong focus on ! A designed with large screens in mind and a sidebar for screen optimization. All your go-to tools within easy reach!

We've also included fixes and improvements, thanks to your feedback. 😍

Still haven't tried Vivaldi on ?

Don't waste another second. Our unique and the built-in functionality will take your breath away.💨

And don't forget that, with our synchronization system, you can sync data between devices for a smooth browsing experience!

Read more👇

Web site image
Vivaldi on iOS: Now with improved features with pinning tabs, search shortcuts, and more. | Vivaldi Browser
Hero image of Vivaldi on iOS 6.4. On the left there is an iPhone displaying the new search engine nicknames, and to the right an iPad with desktop-style tabs.
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iOS 版 Vivaldi 6.4:タブのピン留め、検索エンジンのニックネームなどの新機能を追加 | Vivaldi Browser

We'd opposed 's 'dangerous' Web integrity API proposal. Now they are backing off!

This is massively positive for the neutrality of the open Web. Though Google is so heavily driven by its interests rather than the benefit of the Web in general, it remains to be seen (and we strongly suspect it won’t take long) what they choose to replace it with.
Are they, for example, preparing a seemingly less obnoxious spec that is actually just as harmful to users (as they did with & )?
It is highly suspicious that it coincides with their recent announcement to move from pay-per-click to pay-per-impression for ads.
Generally, Google hasn’t shown itself to be a trustworthy custodian of the web & we can’t let this apparent victory lure us into resting on our laurels.
A strong diversity of browsers & browser engines is going to be crucial to counteract any future attempt by a single party to dictate the future of the web.

For more on this, head to our blog. ⬇️

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Unpacking Google’s new “dangerous” Web-Environment-Integrity specification