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Join our CEO @jon at 12:15 GMT, as he discusses the future of web browsers with Andy O'Donoghue
on Stage 4 (FullSTK).

Regulatory pressure, an increased need for privacy and customisation...What does the web browser industry hold for us in the next decade? 💡


At the ? Vivaldi CEO @jon takes the stage in just a few minutes with Andy O'Donoghue and explore what the future holds for . 🔥

Web Summit's stage
Attach image

On this day one year ago we opened our instance, . The first browser company to do so. 🎉

We believe a distributed, open standards, non-tracking is a better solution than the current popular social networks which build massive profiles on users and contribute to division and hate.

We’re happy to be part of the and are grateful that more than 40 000 people have chosen Vivaldi Social as their home. 🏠

Read our celebratory blog post here: 👇

Web site image
Happy birthday Vivaldi Social! | Vivaldi Browser

本日、Vivaldi Social がめでたく1周年を迎えました!:tony_wee:

記念ブログ(T シャツも)が公開となっています!


Web site image
Vivaldi Social、祝1周年! | Vivaldi Browser