記事投稿:【週報2023-32】インターネットやめられなかった | なーのブログ https://www.nan1.casa/blog/2023-08-15-weekly/
記事投稿:【週報2023-32】インターネットやめられなかった | なーのブログ https://www.nan1.casa/blog/2023-08-15-weekly/
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This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
Ivory now supports custom instance emoji on
(Mac) and
The update will roll out over the next few days, but you can grab it now here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ivory-for-mastodon-by-tapbots/id6444602274
Once updated, just tap the smiley face icon in the compose window to view and select a custom emoji from your server instance.
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