[ #NowPlaying ]
🎧 Sarah Brightman
"A Question of Honour"
[ #NowPlaying ]
🎧 Sarah Brightman
"A Question of Honour"
[ #note ]
WaPo: "Advertisers are dropping Twitter. Musk can’t afford to lose any more."
📰 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/11/22/twitter-advertiser-exodus-musk/
"After Musk took over, many advertisers flocked to Twitter’s top executives, such as Robin Wheeler (VP of ad sales).
On Friday, Wheeler left the company after Musk had previously persuaded her to stay when she wanted to resign.
And on Saturday, Musk restored former president Donald Trump’s Twitter account."
(The moment that Musk changed the direction.)
[ #note ]
(Really? Well, I think it'll be maybe OK. Cert renewal process is automated.)
”In early Dec., a number of Twitter’s security certificates are set to expire — particularly those that power various back-end functions of the site."
"We’re told by some members of Twitter’s engineering team that the people responsible for renewing these certs have largely resigned — raising concerns that Twitter’s site could go down without the people on hand to bring it back."
[ #NowPlaying ]
🎧 The Naked And Famous
"No Way"
📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5-MS06ZL3A
🎤 No way, no way
🎤 No we're never gonna talk about it
🎤 No way, no way…
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[ #note ]
Yet Another new identity verification approach in the #Fediverse .
"Mastodon 🤝 Twitter Verified ➡️ Fedified"
"Notable Twitter accounts on the fediverse"
(いまTwitterでジワジワと発生している、通知バグがなかなか直らない事象を鑑みると、このPodcast(https://rebuild.fm/348/)で語られているとおり、今のTwitterプラットフォームのバックエンドの運営体制は予想以上に脆弱な状態で、薄氷の上を何も知らないブルドーザー(or サイバートラック)が走り回ってるような状態であることは認識しておいた方がいいように思う。)
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[ #note ]
『Twitterから友達がみんな出て行って悲しい。だから「#RIPTwitter 」が呟かれると泣く鳥を作りました→まさかの結果に』
"I'm sad that all my friends are leaving Twitter. So I created a bird that cries when '#RIPTwitter ' is tweeted -> Unexpected result!"
cc: @Raspberry_Pi
[ #NowPlaying ]
🎧 Nine Inch Nails
📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo8putTeNUI
Live at Reading Festival 2007
(w/ Lyrics, EN and JA)
🎼 © 1994 Trent Reznor
#TrentRezner 🇺🇸 #NineInchNails 🇺🇸
[ #NowPlaying ]
🎧 Johnny Cash
"Hurt" (NIN cover)
📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AHCfZTRGiI
#JohnnyCash 🇺🇸 #TrentRezner 🇺🇸
#NineInchNails 🇺🇸