1914年11月2日に神戸でドイツ人のChristian Holsteinが塚村兼吉に誘拐された事件について、神戸新聞に記事がないか教えてほしい。裁判が行われるまでの時期に記事が掲載されているはずです。すでに聞蔵を検索し、「独逸商会主召喚せらる事態頗る重大」、「独人誘拐罪決定塚村兼吉事件」といった記事を見つけています。
I am looking for newspaper articles written in Kobe shinbun about the Swindherd kidnapping case which ran in Japan from 1914-1921 involving a German national living in Kobe, Christian Holstein who was charged with kidnapping a Japanese swineherd, Tsukamura Kanekichi, and arrested on 2nd November, 1914. The researcher has told me that the Japan chronicle covers this case extensively and apparently the Kobe Shinbun wrote articles about the kidnapping before it went to trial.
I am wondering whether you can let me know articles about this in Kobe Shinbun. So far I have got few articles from the Asahi shinbun Kikuzo database, during 1914 to 1915 headlining for example 独逸商会主召喚せらる事態頗る重大 and 独人誘拐罪決定塚村兼吉事件. I have used ホルスタイン、神戸ニッケル商会、誘拐罪、神戸地方裁判所、塚村兼吉 as keyword. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.(国立国会図書館(National Diet Library))
1914年11月2日に神戸でドイツ人のChristian Holsteinが塚村兼吉に誘拐された事件... | レファレンス協同データベース