
🌸 Vivaldi 日本チームの新メンバー、たびちんの最初の記事を公開します!実は 7 年前にも Vivaldi と縁があったらしい?

詳しくは記事をどうぞ! 👇

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Vivaldi 道場 1 - 新メンバーが Vivaldi を初めて触ってみたら戸惑った! | Vivaldi Browser

Hi everyone, where do we start?

The Home button and Panel button are back on Android!

After the release of Vivaldi 6.6 on Android we got to see first-hand how much you care about your browser. You raised your voice and shared your opinion with good reason.

We made a mistake.

You made it clear to us that the removal of the Home and Panel buttons, for those with the address bar at the bottom of your screen, was not something you wanted.

That's why, as of today, both buttons are back.

Our mission is to build a browser that adapts to you, and to do this we rely on feedback from everyone who uses our products.

So to everyone, thank you for making us better ❤️

A 28-second video of people giving us bad reviews and then positive reviews for listening to them and making changes. The audio has message bubble sounds.