
You're being spied on, and the cat in this video will show you how.

We made this video along with the Icelandic Consumer Association because we believe Big Tech's thirst for surveillance-based advertising is pervasive and needs to end.


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🤖 Android と 🍎 iOS 向けのVivaldi が、仲良く揃って 6.6 にアップデートしました!

別れや出会いや学びやチャレンジ。春は何かの始まりにぴったりの季節です🌸 Vivaldi も賑やかにカラフルにおめかしして、新しい季節を楽しみましょう。

👇 Android 版のニュースはこちら。

Web site image
Android 版 Vivaldi 6.6:カスタムの壁紙で Vivaldi をおめかし | Vivaldi Browser

🍎 iOS 版では、アクセントカラーでカラフルなウェブ体験を楽しめます。

カラフルよりもモノトーン派?ならば、アクセントカラーを無彩色にするのに加えて、いろんなサイトをダークモード😎 にして眩しさ控えめで利用するのもオススメです。

👇 iOS 版のニュースはこちら。

Web site image
iOS 版 Vivaldi 6.6: Vivaldi がカラフルに | Vivaldi Browser

🌸 Spring is here, and so are updates with Vivaldi 6.6 on iOS and Android!

For iOS:
Spruce up your browsing with colorful themes, a slick dark mode, even for websites that don't support them, and other fresh updates.

For Android:
Make your Start Page uniquely yours with custom wallpapers and you now get faster webpage translations with Vivaldi Translate! 🎨📱

With Vivaldi 6.6 now available on Desktop, iOS, and Android—we're eager to know what you think and like.

Talk to us, we're listening! 👇🏻

Web site image
Vivaldi on iOS goes colorful | Vivaldi Browser
Web site image
Vivaldi browser on Android gets Custom Wallpapers

Since 1999, an RSS Feed has allowed you to get the latest information bundled together from websites you choose.

You’ve received the latest news from your preferred sources, latest content from your favorite blogs, and with our Vivaldi Feed Reader, you can even watch the latest YouTube videos from your subscribed channels instead of having to deal with a ton of other content before getting to yours.

Read more about what our built-in Feed Reader does for you: vivaldi.com/blog/vivaldi-feed-

🥳 A very Happy Birthday to the RSS Feed today!

Web site image
Vivaldi Feed Reader: Break free from the algorithm | Vivaldi Browser