
It's Friday and we have a new party trick! 🤹

By popular demand, your Vivaldi browser can now auto-adapt to any website's color palette, whipping up a dark color theme for those websites still living in the light ages.😎

And yes, this includes websites that don't offer their site in dark mode.

You can now force it to go dark by selecting the “Dark” option and enabling Force a Dark theme on all websites.

Just go to Settings > Appearance > Website Appearance and choose between light, dark, or auto.

We're excited to give you more ways to make the browser yours.

Read more about it and tell us what you think about this update.👇🏻


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Vivaldi improves Mail Search, Translate, extends Web Panels with extension support
Zoomed in image of Vivaldi browser settings showing the website appearance settings and color themes
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📧 Looking for an email in your overflowing mailbox can sometimes feel like you’re looking for a lone sock in a mountain of laundry.

And with the number of emails triggered these days when you shop online, make flight or hotel bookings, sign-up for mailing lists—it’s especially important to have more control over your emails.

🔦 Now with more search tools added to Vivaldi Mail, it’s easier to hunt down that one important email.

Find messages easily with more Mail Search tools. Use filters to narrow down results by date, sender, recipient, subject, message content, CC and attachments.

You can also filter inverse to only find messages that do not match.

📨 Save time and avoid an overloaded inbox.

Try our built-in Vivaldi Mail client now👇


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Vivaldi Mail - An email client built into your browser
Vivaldi Mail built-in the Vivaldi browser with more mail search tools
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Want to read an article but website permissions go: 'Suuuure. Just give us permission to access your camera, your location, and your toaster, no biggie!’

The Vivaldi browser gives you better control over these pesky permission request notifications.

Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Website Permissions > Global Permission to get a full overview of websites permissions request settings.

Website permissions settings overview in the Vivaldi browser privacy and settings
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Vivaldi Social OGs! 📢

We know you were glad when we increased the character limit here, but did you secretly wish for a bigger editor box for your long posts? 😏

Well, we're granting you your wish. ✨

To change the height of the editor:

1. Place the mouse cursor at the bottom right corner of the text field (just above the character limit).
2. Click and drag the mouse up or down.


Video showing how to change the height of the editor box in Vivaldi Social.

As of this week, Europeans will be presented with an option that can help make the web a better place.
The Browser Choice Screen will be shown when you update your iOS or Android device or when you set up a brand new one.

Vivaldi’s Co-Founder and CEO Jon von Tetzchner @jon, has been pushing for regulation of Big Tech and better user rights for decades. Finally seeing the impact of speaking up and fighting back is a big win. The browser and search engine choice screens are a massive step in the direction of fair competition and granting users freedom to choose.

As the Browser Choice Screen comes into effect, we urge you to consider Vivaldi as your browser of choice. Why?

Because Vivaldi embodies the spirit of independence, innovation, and user empowerment. Unlike other browsers, Vivaldi is not beholden to Big Tech's agenda or profit-driven motives. Instead, we are driven by our commitment to providing people with a browser that adapts to them.

We are committed to your privacy and security. We believe that your online data belongs to you, not to advertisers or third-party trackers.
Reclaim control of your online experience and make a clear statement. When you see the browser choice screen, choose Vivaldi—the browser that puts you first.

Red background with white copy saying "A small click for you, a massive step for a better web." Below the text is a screen with the Vivaldi browser logo among others.
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Who says women can’t have it all? We believe you can!

While there’s room for progress, we’d like to celebrate today and every day, all the women of the world.

Here’s to also building a more inclusive and empowering web together.

❤️ Happy Women’s Day from us to you.

Illustration of women’s arms and hands holding different kinds of flowers and the Vivaldi logo with the text Happy Women’s Day
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You're being spied on, and the cat in this video will show you how.

We made this video along with the Icelandic Consumer Association because we believe Big Tech's thirst for surveillance-based advertising is pervasive and needs to end.


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🤖 Android と 🍎 iOS 向けのVivaldi が、仲良く揃って 6.6 にアップデートしました!

別れや出会いや学びやチャレンジ。春は何かの始まりにぴったりの季節です🌸 Vivaldi も賑やかにカラフルにおめかしして、新しい季節を楽しみましょう。

👇 Android 版のニュースはこちら。

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Android 版 Vivaldi 6.6:カスタムの壁紙で Vivaldi をおめかし | Vivaldi Browser

🍎 iOS 版では、アクセントカラーでカラフルなウェブ体験を楽しめます。

カラフルよりもモノトーン派?ならば、アクセントカラーを無彩色にするのに加えて、いろんなサイトをダークモード😎 にして眩しさ控えめで利用するのもオススメです。

👇 iOS 版のニュースはこちら。

Web site image
iOS 版 Vivaldi 6.6: Vivaldi がカラフルに | Vivaldi Browser

🌸 Spring is here, and so are updates with Vivaldi 6.6 on iOS and Android!

For iOS:
Spruce up your browsing with colorful themes, a slick dark mode, even for websites that don't support them, and other fresh updates.

For Android:
Make your Start Page uniquely yours with custom wallpapers and you now get faster webpage translations with Vivaldi Translate! 🎨📱

With Vivaldi 6.6 now available on Desktop, iOS, and Android—we're eager to know what you think and like.

Talk to us, we're listening! 👇🏻

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Vivaldi on iOS goes colorful | Vivaldi Browser
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Vivaldi browser on Android gets Custom Wallpapers

Since 1999, an RSS Feed has allowed you to get the latest information bundled together from websites you choose.

You’ve received the latest news from your preferred sources, latest content from your favorite blogs, and with our Vivaldi Feed Reader, you can even watch the latest YouTube videos from your subscribed channels instead of having to deal with a ton of other content before getting to yours.

Read more about what our built-in Feed Reader does for you: vivaldi.com/blog/vivaldi-feed-

🥳 A very Happy Birthday to the RSS Feed today!

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Vivaldi Feed Reader: Break free from the algorithm | Vivaldi Browser

“The point is to create a level playing ground. I think it's very clear that there isn't a level playing ground with this” - Jon von Tetzchner @jon

While the Browser Choice Screens have made a small impact for Vivaldi, it hasn’t been significant.

Find out what our CEO, Jon von Tetzchner has to say about our efforts in talking to Google and Apple about their Choice Screens.


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Brave, Mozilla, Vivaldi see browser installs rise on iOS

Hey, iOS gang! Here's a glimpse of how the Forced Dark Mode option looks on @BendikJohan's iPhone👇🏻

How has it been forcing websites to go dark on your Vivaldi browser on iOS? 🌚

Tell us or show us in the comments!

Video of what some websites look like when you force Dark Mode on unsupported webpages with Vivaldi 6.6 on iPhone and iPad.

Do you have this nagging feeling that you've accidentally given a website or two your consent to access your camera, your location, and your toaster?

Get a full overview of your browser's website permissions on your Desktop to review and update these notifications and stay in control of your browser.

A video showing how the Vivaldi browser interface and the website permissions overview available in the browser's settings

The Linux Lounge: 🐧 What's your favorite beverage to enjoy while tinkering with Linux?

Btw, don't forget we're on Flathub 😉

  • Coffee, the coding fuel102
  • Tea, the calming companion69
  • Need something stronger! (share in comments👇🏻)20

🌸 Vivaldi 日本チームの新メンバー、たびちんの最初の記事を公開します!実は 7 年前にも Vivaldi と縁があったらしい?

詳しくは記事をどうぞ! 👇

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Vivaldi 道場 1 - 新メンバーが Vivaldi を初めて触ってみたら戸惑った! | Vivaldi Browser

Hi everyone, where do we start?

The Home button and Panel button are back on Android!

After the release of Vivaldi 6.6 on Android we got to see first-hand how much you care about your browser. You raised your voice and shared your opinion with good reason.

We made a mistake.

You made it clear to us that the removal of the Home and Panel buttons, for those with the address bar at the bottom of your screen, was not something you wanted.

That's why, as of today, both buttons are back.

Our mission is to build a browser that adapts to you, and to do this we rely on feedback from everyone who uses our products.

So to everyone, thank you for making us better ❤️

A 28-second video of people giving us bad reviews and then positive reviews for listening to them and making changes. The audio has message bubble sounds.

Vivaldi 6.6 brought you the opportunity to personalize your Start Page with Custom Wallpapers on Android. ✨

Tap on the Vivaldi menu button, go to Settings, Start Page Wallpaper, and select one of our preloaded wallpapers, or add your own image from your photo gallery. 🤩

How you tried it yet? Show us what it looks like! 👇🏻

Android phone with Vivaldi browser held by a hand. The background wall is white and there's a brown table on top of which is a small houseplant plant in a pink pot, a silver apple laptop, and an audio console.


今年は Vivaldi も仕込んでみましたよ。見つけたらちょっとしたサプライズも。



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イースターエッグハントに参加して、Vivaldi と一緒に春を楽しもう | Vivaldi Browser

🐰🌷 As Easter approaches, participate in Vivaldi's Easter egg hunt and uncover secrets we've hidden for you to find! After all, at Vivaldi, we love to sprinkle a bit of fun into everything we do!

🥚 Easter eggs have captivated hearts worldwide, from the White House lawn to Icelandic shores, each country adding its unique flavor to this cherished tradition.

And of course you know all about how Easter eggs aren't just hidden treats but also hidden gems in the world of software.

🐣 Take a nostalgic walk down the story behind these digital Easter eggs, from the first-ever hidden feature in the Atari game Adventure to iconic codes like the Konami Code.

So whether you’re hunting for real eggs with family or hunting for clues in our virtual egg hunt with us, let’s celebrate the joy and wonder of Easter together.

Dive into the blog for your first clue.👇🏻

Happy egg hunting and Happy Easter! 🌟


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Go on an Easter egg hunt and hop into Spring with the Vivaldi browser

いつの間にか増えてる Vivaldi の新機能。2/29 にアップデートしたデスクトップ版 6.6 では、ウェブパネル内で拡張機能が使えるようになったのと、翻訳機能の精度向上(日本語もまともになった!)が高評価です。


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Vivaldi 6.6 最新機能おさらい:拡張機能がさらに便利に&翻訳機能の精度 UP! | Vivaldi Browser

Over at Iceland, Easter isn't just another day—it's a big deal! Everyone’s buzzing with excitement, especially when those Icelandic Easter eggs and candy rewards roll in. 🐰🥚

Find out why Easter eggs, bursting with candy and surprises, is a newer tradition in Iceland.

And it’s still possible to participate in our virtual Easter egg hunt too. So join the fun and give it a go!👇🐣🍫


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Go on an Easter egg hunt and hop into Spring with the Vivaldi browser
Image of Vivaldi teams from the Iceland office holding Icelandic Easter candy.
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