23:03:28 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Do you use the Tasks Panel in Vivaldi?

With the Tasks Panel you can keep track of your To-Do list. You can set tasks to repeat, give them a due date and sync the tasks with your Calendar.

Just enable the Productivity Features to use the Task Panel.

What kind of tasks do you like to schedule ahead of time?

The Vivaldi Task Panel, the to do list shows. _ Do epic back-flip _ Be more eclectic x Discuss about Project A _ Call mum x Feed cats _ Book flight ticket Wednesday 21 Sep 2022 x 13:00 Buy Broccoli Saturday 24 Sep 2022 x 19:00 make banana cakes
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18:39:48 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Don't forget to separate your “Work” tabs from your “totally not watching football” tabs with Workspaces 😉

Image of Vivaldi Browser showing the Workspaces feature with Workspaces titled 'Work', 'News', 'Sports', 'Travel (Iceland)', 'Travel (Brussels)', 'Gaming (Streaming)', and 'Research'.
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