
🕹️👾 If you're nostalgic about arcade-style gaming, you'll love created by Porcelain Fortress!

🎮 This 70s-style runner takes you on an epic adventure and can be played on the web across any device and .

Start playing now 👇🏻

Web site image
Play Vivaldia on Vivaldi Browser and Steam: A Battle for Humanity

Don't forget to separate your “Work” tabs from your “totally not watching football” tabs with Workspaces 😉

Image of Vivaldi Browser showing the Workspaces feature with Workspaces titled 'Work', 'News', 'Sports', 'Travel (Iceland)', 'Travel (Brussels)', 'Gaming (Streaming)', and 'Research'.
Attach image

Drowning in a sea of words?

Then Ctrl / Cmd + F is your lifesaver! 🛟

Don't forget to open the Find in Page bar and spare yourself time and overwhelm.

13-second video of the Vivaldi browser showing a webpage where the reader is shown using the Find in Page feature.

3 月初旬に施行される EU デジタル市場法に基づき、ゲートキーパーとなる企業は EU 域内のユーザー向けにブラウザ選択画面を実装します。


真逆の考えを持つ架空の 2 社を例に、違いを考えてみましょう。


Web site image
ブラウザ選択画面はどうあるべき?架空の 2 社の物語で考えてみよう | Vivaldi Browser