
"I know it is not an open-source pick, but it gets all the lead with its tab management, customizability, and productivity features. And it treats me better than Firefox nowadays"

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Mastodon''s Adoption Gets a Boost With Vivaldi Browser Integration

🎁 Here's a little holiday gift from Germany: Legislators take action against for ignoring your Do-Not-Track privacy setting on browsers.

Let's dive into the DNT ruling to understand what this means for our digital . 🔐


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‘Do-No-Track’ makes a comeback with legal backing in Germany | Vivaldi Browser

decor at home is fine, but sometimes websites have too many visual distractions around this time of the year.

💡 Enable Reader View for focused reading without all the bells and whistles.


A holiday gifts website with the Reader view icon highlighted
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The same website in Reader view, where just the text is displayed.
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