
Recently, we experimented with a new social media account on . Now we've taken a few steps further. We run our own server open to all.
It's great to be on the with vivaldi.social
Read the news 👉 vivaldi.com/blog/news/vivaldi-

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Vivaldi Social, a new instance on Mastodon. | Vivaldi Browser

Here is a nice short video with our team member @ruario giving a brief explanation of Vivaldi Social, our instance, which is now open to anyone! 🎉

Video transcript [Presenter Mumbles] "…would be hilarious" (someone in the background laughs) [Man sits at a desk] "Shall I just talk?" [Vivaldi Social logo. Below it states "Powered by Mastodon" with their logo] [Back to the desk] "Hi everyone, my name is Ruarí and I am from Vivaldi. And today, I just wanted to get together to give you a really exciting announcement. I am sure a few of you are on Twitter, and you have heard some news and some issues. And people may have talked about the word Mastodon." [Blue screen showing the Mastodon logo] "So Mastodon is an open social network." [Back to Ruarí] "Where everyone can kind of contribute. And we decided to start an 'Instance'." [Vivaldi Browser displaying content from social.vivaldi.net] And what that means for our Vivaldi users is, they can just go ahead, log in right away—use the login they already have—and be part of this wider community. And if you are not with us that's fine, you can sign up as well. It's open to everyone! [Back to Ruarí] And we really love this idea because it brings us back to the roots of the web, where everyone is an equal and people are not "monitored and checked and so on" [a clarification appears on screen the means monitoring in the "profiling" sense as done by "Big tech" where you data is used and sold—the instance will be moderated]. So come and check us out at vivaldi.social. [End Screen featuring a blue version of the Vivaldi logo and the word "Vivaldi" in caps]


We are Vivaldi!

We’re building a browser that is powerful, personal and flexible. A browser that adapts to you, not the other way around.

We are (so far) 25 nationalities working across seven countries with offices in Norway, Iceland and the USA.

Download Vivaldi here: vivaldi.com/

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Vivaldi Browser | Now with built-in Translate, Mail, and Calendar

Hello! :tony_wee:

Earlier today we shared our introductions with you. Now we invite you to make an introduction of your own (if you haven’t already).

Just post a little something about yourself and mark it with an


世界中の多くの人々が Vivaldi Social に参加してくれています。さまざまな言語の投稿に遭遇することにもなるでしょう。

そこで、投稿・言語設定に関して、以下2つのヒントです 🌟

・タイムラインの投稿言語を制限したい場合は、 [設定] > [その他] に移動して、表示したい投稿言語を設定してみてください。
・また、投稿する際は、投稿前に投稿文と同じ言語を選択するようにしてください(メディアを追加、公開範囲を変更等と同じメニュー内より変更可能) 。そうすることでフィルター漏れを防ぐことができます。 [設定] > [その他] > [投稿する言語] よりデフォルト言語を変更することも可能です。

投稿言語設定を間違えている人を見かけたら優しく教えてあげてください 😊


Lots of people from all over the world have joined Vivaldi Social :tony_wee:, which means you'll come across posts in many different languages. We have 2 tips for you:
1. Go to Preferences > Other > Filter languages to select in which languages you want to see posts in.
2. When posting, select your post's language (from the same menu as attachments, content warnings, etc.), so the right people won't miss your posts. You can set a default language in Preferences > Other > Posting language.


The reception to Vivaldi Social has been unreal. :tony_happy: So many people of different nationalities and groups. We're overjoyed to have you all here! :tony_smiling:

The Japanese community seems to have been especially quick to join us here. ようこそ、参加ありがとう! :tony_wee:

To show everyone how cool Vivaldi users from Japan are, we'd like to share with you a story about Popogami Po and his marvelous set up for a keyboard only Vivaldi Browser experience!


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Power user Popogami Po chooses Vivaldi for keyboard-only browsing and more. | Vivaldi Browser