im picky about every single byte of html so i have to create my own Jekyll theme.
named it "Plain".
im picky about every single byte of html so i have to create my own Jekyll theme.
named it "Plain".
some say its outdated, however.
the competitors are Hugo (2013), Next.js (2016), Eleventy (2018), Astro (2021), etc.
the best SSG today is Jekyll (2008), imo.
it can be used on github w/o terminal.
(i use it locally, tho.)
so the greatest number of ppl can benefit from my contribution.
i have 2 branches in my repo:
• gh-pages - for generated html
• main - for source
i build the site locally using a SSG.
the result is deployed to gh-pages (w/o SSG).
so i can use any SSG.
if i were to write html by hand, i'd have to write this boilerplate every time.
alternatively, i can use a static site generator (SSG).
i cant use notion or medium.
bc im picky about the html, byte by byte.
bc my site is my home.
my personal site
i want to create a simple site like this.
links, bio, and blog.