Wordle 970 6/6
We are closer to shipping Ivory v1.9! The big feature for this release is the ability to quote posts. If you'd like to test it out, jump back on the TestFlight version of Ivory. We've opened up some more TestFlight beta slots here as well:
Important Note!
The TestFlight version of Ivory doesn't use your active App Store subscription. You have to subscribe again in TestFlight. You do not get charged real money in TestFlight. It's for testing purposes only.
・でもウラーゴンの元じゃあねぇ… 宝の持ち腐れ
・マーフの事よく分かってなかったけど、彼もカーヤと同じくギルに引導を渡そうとしていたのか… ただの奸臣だと思ってた←
ドルアーガの塔 ~the Sword of URUK~