New Post : HAProxyによるWasabiのPublic Accessプロキシ実装(for Mastodon) https://in-deep.blue/archives/1109
【 #窓の杜 #RSSfeed 】
「nginx」開発の主導権を一企業から開発者に ~「freenginx.org」プロジェクトが発足/「Apache」と並ぶ市場シェアを誇るオープンソースのWebサーバーシステム
New Post : HAProxyによるWasabiのPublic Accessプロキシ実装(for Mastodon) https://in-deep.blue/archives/1109
We just released important security patches for versions 4.1, 4.2, nightly, and the already discontinued 3.5 and 4.0.
If you are using nightly, you can upgrade to the 4.3.0-nightly.2024-02-15-security tag to get the patches.
Please upgrade as soon as possible!