Mastodonサーバ『fedibird.com』の管理者アカウントでもあります。ご連絡は当アカウントへ、サーバインフォメーションについては https://fedibird.com/about/more と @info を参照してください。
・/api/v1/instance 動いてる?
Mastodonサーバ管理者向け チェックリストの解説 - noellabo's tech blog https://blog.noellabo.jp/entry/mastodon-admin-checklist
@ymd 原因不明ですが、一回だけ症例があります。ストレージへの転送だけ修復できるんですが、通知されなかったり、連合に失敗する(リモート配送)など結局おかしくなったままになるようなので、一度削除して再アップしてみてください。お手数お掛けします!
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (1/2)
- Do you have enough free disk space?
- Is the expiration date of the certificate correct?
- Is the backup ...... working properly?
- Does the mail from the server reach you properly?
- Is the scheduler queue working?
- Is streaming working?
- Is the WebUI working?
- Is /api/v1/instance working?
- Are the ca-certificates updated?
- Did you forget to pay the server fee?
- Did you forget to pay the domain fee?
- Is your credit card expired?
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (2/2)
- Is there anyone who doesn't react for some reason?
- Are there any servers that you haven't seen recently?
- Is the server responding slowly lately?
- Have you forgotten to approve new registrations?
- Are there any spam accounts out there?
- Have you forgotten to report someone?
- Have you written down the "server rules"?
- Have you updated your OS package?
- Have you updated your Mastodon?
Explanation of the checklist for Mastodon server administrators
I've also written a blog explaining this list. Please check it out if you're interested.
#fedimovie 動画アップロード後に、最後のオブジェクトストレージ転送の部分で失敗する症状がでているようです。
@estwald 動画みえるようになったけど、なんか内部的に処理が中途半端になっている恐れがあるので再アップ推奨ですー。でもそのままでもいいです!
#fedimovie オブジェクトストレージに転送失敗する件、ひとまず解決しました。
エンドポイントとしてこれまで s3.ap-northeast-1-ntt.wasabisys.com を指定していたのですが、これを s3.ap-northeast-1.wasabisys.com に変更しました。-nttがついてるかどうかの違いです。
@mayaeh なんかこう、最初はWebARENA使ってないとダメとかあったし、歴史的経緯があるのかなと。
{"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", ...}
・/api/v1/instance 動いてる?
Mastodonサーバ管理者向け チェックリストの解説 - noellabo's tech blog https://blog.noellabo.jp/entry/mastodon-admin-checklist
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (1/2)
- Do you have enough free disk space?
- Is the expiration date of the certificate correct?
- Is the backup ...... working properly?
- Does the mail from the server reach you properly?
- Is the scheduler queue working?
- Is streaming working?
- Is the WebUI working?
- Is /api/v1/instance working?
- Are the ca-certificates updated?
- Did you forget to pay the server fee?
- Did you forget to pay the domain fee?
- Is your credit card expired?
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (2/2)
- Is there anyone who doesn't react for some reason?
- Are there any servers that you haven't seen recently?
- Is the server responding slowly lately?
- Have you forgotten to approve new registrations?
- Are there any spam accounts out there?
- Have you forgotten to report someone?
- Have you written down the "server rules"?
- Have you updated your OS package?
- Have you updated your Mastodon?
Explanation of the checklist for Mastodon server administrators
I've also written a blog explaining this list. Please check it out if you're interested.
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (1/2)
- Do you have enough free disk space?
- Is the expiration date of the certificate correct?
- Is the backup ...... working properly?
- Does the mail from the server reach you properly?
- Is the scheduler queue working?
- Is streaming working?
- Is the WebUI working?
- Is /api/v1/instance working?
- Are the ca-certificates updated?
- Did you forget to pay the server fee?
- Did you forget to pay the domain fee?
- Is your credit card expired?
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (2/2)
- Is there anyone who doesn't react for some reason?
- Are there any servers that you haven't seen recently?
- Is the server responding slowly lately?
- Have you forgotten to approve new registrations?
- Are there any spam accounts out there?
- Have you forgotten to report someone?
- Have you written down the "server rules"?
- Have you updated your OS package?
- Have you updated your Mastodon?
Explanation of the checklist for Mastodon server administrators
I've also written a blog explaining this list. Please check it out if you're interested.
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (1/2)
- Do you have enough free disk space?
- Is the expiration date of the certificate correct?
- Is the backup ...... working properly?
- Does the mail from the server reach you properly?
- Is the scheduler queue working?
- Is streaming working?
- Is the WebUI working?
- Is /api/v1/instance working?
- Are the ca-certificates updated?
- Did you forget to pay the server fee?
- Did you forget to pay the domain fee?
- Is your credit card expired?
Checklist for Mastodon Admins (2/2)
- Is there anyone who doesn't react for some reason?
- Are there any servers that you haven't seen recently?
- Is the server responding slowly lately?
- Have you forgotten to approve new registrations?
- Are there any spam accounts out there?
- Have you forgotten to report someone?
- Have you written down the "server rules"?
- Have you updated your OS package?
- Have you updated your Mastodon?
Explanation of the checklist for Mastodon server administrators
I've also written a blog explaining this list. Please check it out if you're interested.
#これじゃ痩せない2022 わたくしは、本日ご挨拶でいただいたかもめのたまごミニ(紅白)をペロッと食べてしまいました。い、一個だけだよ??