> Meta has decided to play ball with the European Union's online services regulations in order to bring Threads to its member countries.
"has decided to play ball with the European Union's online services regulations"
> Meta has decided to play ball with the European Union's online services regulations in order to bring Threads to its member countries.
"has decided to play ball with the European Union's online services regulations"
Meta has decided to play ball with the European Union's online services regulations in order to bring Threads to its member countries. According to The Wall Street Journal, Meta will make Threads available across Europe in December and, in compliance with EU policies, allow users to access the platform without needing to create a profile.
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実際Listen{Audio}でやるのは明らかな設計ミスだしAudioではなくDocumentを継承してない別のObjectを拡張で作る必要があるから非推奨にしてるって背景の中で、そこを解決せずに "I want to make scrobbles actually used and useful" とか言っててもしゃーないやん感がすごくある
盛大に喧嘩して言い捨てた後に resolved all threads で閉じてんのキモすぎるのとガイドライン読んでくれ(容認されない行為に抵触してる)ってリプライに返答せず resolved にしてるの笑ってしまう
ImageMagickやめたからdocker imageも小さくなんのかなと思ったけど代わりにvips入れてるしたいして変わってなかった
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どうせrouterもogpもfetcherもstylingのなんかも画像最適化もcode splittingも必要になる
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一つのサーバーでDockerとか使って複数のActivityPubサーバーソフト立ててCloudflare Tunnelとかで繋いだら複数インスタンスとして使へるのかな
scrobbling api 実装されたの4年前じゃんになってる
RT: https://pl.kpherox.dev/objects/88078b16-c4db-4ca2-a558-f50fce3c2205
Include scrobbles with account (!3975) · Merge requests · Pleroma / pleroma · GitLab
RT: https://pl.kpherox.dev/objects/d89cba1c-6a10-4d2d-b6fe-5db29274cb7a