21:02:51 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

is a fundamental human right.

On , Vivaldi’s @jonsvt & Neeva's RamaswmySridhar talk about how you can protect your personal data!

“Privacy needs to be rethought, for the new age of the internet”, says Sridhar. 👇

Listen on

Jon V. Tetzchner - Vivaldi Sridhar Ramaswamy - Neeva Each in their own circle on a dark blue background with a wave pattern in the top right and bottom left corners.
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20:08:00 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

This , CEO Jon von Tetzchner and Alexandra Kubiak, General Manager at @StartpageSearch come together to deliver a crucial message:

" . It's not a commodity to be traded. It’s an inalienable right."

Read their op-ed on Tech.eu and join us in taking back our collective power! 💪
