
We've now come up with ✨400 ✨ tips to help you make the most of our and services.

➡️ tips.vivaldi.net ⬅️

But is this a lot? Well, it sure is for the person writing these daily. 🧠

(They wish to remain anonymous, but you can praise them below. 😄👇)


Our Browser gets its first update of 2024, with…guess what? You’re right: new and updated features! 🎉

📖 Enable full History sync to access all the sites you've visited on other devices.

🔍 Set different search engines for regular and private tabs for enhanced privacy.

✂️ Search Engine Shortcuts not your thing? No hard feelings, turn them off!

It’s your , and we want you to be in control. Learn more👇

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Vivaldi on Android gets Full History Sync and Search Engine setting for Private Tabs
Private tab UI surrounded by the logos of some search engines such as DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Qwant, Bing, Startpage or Wikipedia.
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おまたせしました!Android も 6.5 になりました。これにて、パソコンや iPhoneで開いた記事を同期できるようになりました。


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Android 版 Vivaldi 6.5:完全な履歴の同期とプライベートタブ専用の検索エンジンの設定が可能に | Vivaldi Browser