15:53:48 15:57:44 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Akira が Vivaldi の機能を駆使して、タベリナさんのブラウザを整理整頓させてもらってます😉
みなさんのお気に入りの機能もぜひおしえてください :tony_wee: 動画へのコメントもお待ちしています!


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20:37:39 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Only a few hours left ⏰ Try the preview of our browser on and get an exclusive spot! 🎉

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21:34:15 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Meet Vivaldi CEO @jon at in Berlin! 🎉

On July 6, Jon will speak with moderator Nikolaus Röttger in a Fireside Chat about "Reverse Big Tech".

Why did Vivaldi become the first company to build support for in the ? Can we disturb with such initiatives?

Stay tuned!🤩

Jon von Tetzchner at TOA Festival
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20:03:04 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Have you updated your Vivaldi browser on desktop to the latest version?

Now on Vivaldi 6.8 you can easily keep your tabs in check.

You will now see a Memory Saver tooltip when you hover over tabs, giving you a real-time overview of the memory being used by that tab.

💤 Go ahead and let those inactive tabs hibernate and browse with a breeze.

What have you liked about the recent update? We want to know !👇

Video of the Vivaldi browser showing what the Memory Saver tooltip looks like.