
Happy New Year!!! :tony_wee:
Wishing you all the very best throughout 2023!

"2023" written with sparklers in the dark. Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash.
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"Personal storytelling is a lost art that needs to return", says Verge in their article "Bring back personal blogging".

If you want to join in on reviving this lost art, then you're in luck as we in Vivaldi offer up blogging services to all members of our community. :tony_happy:

Read their article down here ⬇️

And learn how to make a Blog with Vivaldi.net here ⬇️

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Creating a new blog on Vivaldi.net | Vivaldi Browser Help

Search for @username@bloglink. For example gauteweb@gauteweb.vivaldi.net. Also, if you paste the blog link (e.g. gauteweb.vivaldi.net/2023/my-v) in the search field here, it'll find it.


Are there really 1 million ways to customize Vivaldi browser? 🤯

Yes! We have a list of them on vivaldi.com/onemillion/. Scroll to the bottom to validate it yourself. Warning! It might take a while. 😉

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1 million ways to make it yours | Vivaldi Browser

Recently, we announced hardware key support for . But why do you need a hardware key?

We recommend you to read this story by WIRED ⬇️

Header of the Wired Article "The Password Isn’t Dead Yet. You Need a Hardware Key". A hardware key in a colorful background.
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Teamwork makes the dream work. Listen up , team up with the Vivaldi browser and get useful tips to enhance your browsing. :tony_normal:

Get with these tips ⬇️

Graphic depicting various school supplies with the Vivaldi logo at the centre of the screen. Notebooks, a scissor, pencils, rulers and post it notes as well as a pencil sharpener.
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For decades, the User Agent header has been a major arena for truths, lies and other dastardly deeds. Now there’s an effort to replace the User Agent with “Client Hints”. How will that go?

Vivaldi Team member, @TechieNotNetie, writes about User Agents and Client Hints on our blog here ⬇️

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Client hints or client lies? | Vivaldi Browser
A cat and dog in red and blue respectively overlaid on each other.
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Noticed a good article on your phone while commuting, but don't have time to read it? Add it to Vivaldi's Reading List and get back to it when you have more time from the same or any of your synced devices.

What type of articles or web pages do you have on your reading list?

Graphic showing off the Vivaldi Reading list. The graphic's examples has 3 unread articles and two read one, shown in different categories with the read ones grayed out.
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We hope you're ready for the weekend, Tony here certainly is. Have a wonderful time!

Do you have any exciting plans you want to share?

Tony the lavaball chilling with some shades on.
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@mattikoEU Hey, there is no built-in Translation service, but rather there is an API. It's sadly not something that can be fixed by just flipping a switch.

We are however looking into it, so more on that in the future. 😉


Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day! 💙

A little tip for Community Managers out there, Vivaldi's Tab Tiling is great for getting an overview of multiple sites at once. 😉

Read more about it here 👇


Do you allow websites to access your location?

  • Yes25
  • No454
  • Only some (Reply in comments)210

Getting the most out of your Vivaldi Browser? Then you must be following the Vivaldi Tips blog. :tony_grinning: Vivaldi tips has reached the impressive number of 200 today. 🎶

Have a look, even experts should find something new here. 😉


Happy Vivaldi Day! 🎊

We mark 8 years of Vivaldi today – building a better browser and services for you. 😍

Love Vivaldi? Let's introduce at least one person to Vivaldi and share the word that there is a better way to browse. :tony_wee:

Read our blogpost here ⬇️

Vivaldi logo with a party hat and confetti raining around it.
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is a fundamental human right.

On , Vivaldi’s @jonsvt & Neeva's RamaswmySridhar talk about how you can protect your personal data!

“Privacy needs to be rethought, for the new age of the internet”, says Sridhar. 👇

Listen on

Jon V. Tetzchner - Vivaldi Sridhar Ramaswamy - Neeva Each in their own circle on a dark blue background with a wave pattern in the top right and bottom left corners.
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On , Vivaldi’s
@jon & Neeva's Sridhar Ramaswmy get talking about your .

"The first thing for us as a company, if data collection is wrong, let’s start by not being part of it. Let’s not collect data ourselves", says Jonsvt. 👇


Jon V. Tetzchner - Vivaldi Sridhar Ramaswamy - Neeva
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Attach YouTube

Wanted to learn more about Mastodon? Perhaps there is something you've not yet mastered? Or perhaps you just want brush up on the basics?

Our amazing @ruario delivers a stellar explanation of the and gives a on using .

Watch the video below and share it with your friends who haven't joined yet! :tony_normal:

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Vivaldi Social on Mastodon: A Step-by-Step Tutorial