
Happy New Year!!! :tony_wee:
Wishing you all the very best throughout 2023!

"2023" written with sparklers in the dark. Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash.
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"Personal storytelling is a lost art that needs to return", says Verge in their article "Bring back personal blogging".

If you want to join in on reviving this lost art, then you're in luck as we in Vivaldi offer up blogging services to all members of our community. :tony_happy:

Read their article down here ⬇️

And learn how to make a Blog with Vivaldi.net here ⬇️

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Creating a new blog on Vivaldi.net | Vivaldi Browser Help

Search for @username@bloglink. For example gauteweb@gauteweb.vivaldi.net. Also, if you paste the blog link (e.g. gauteweb.vivaldi.net/2023/my-v) in the search field here, it'll find it.


Are there really 1 million ways to customize Vivaldi browser? 🤯

Yes! We have a list of them on vivaldi.com/onemillion/. Scroll to the bottom to validate it yourself. Warning! It might take a while. 😉

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1 million ways to make it yours | Vivaldi Browser

Recently, we announced hardware key support for . But why do you need a hardware key?

We recommend you to read this story by WIRED ⬇️

Header of the Wired Article "The Password Isn’t Dead Yet. You Need a Hardware Key". A hardware key in a colorful background.
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