2023-03-15 07:51:11 Linus Torvaldsの投稿 torvalds@social.kernel.org


2023-03-15 13:26:51 Calckeyの投稿 calckey@i.calckey.cloud

:boost_requested: New :calckey: release and beta :boost_requested:

Notes for v13.1.3:

This is a smaller, intermediary release in preparation for v13.2.0. We still recommend that admins upgrade, however.

• Better blocking/muting
• Better user refreshing
• New help menu with app list (More! > Help)
• New headerbar style
• Bug + security fixes and performance improvements

Notes for v13.2.0-beta:

This first beta of v13.2.0 comes with many exciting features!

• Initial Mastodon API support
• Great performance improvements
• Many UI improvements
• Fix many bugs
• New dashboard