i never sell my stocks, considering my assets to be "1 $tsla". maybe it's called investing not speculating
i never sell my stocks, considering my assets to be "1 $tsla". maybe it's called investing not speculating
defamation and death threats on X should be considered the people's "daydreams" and shouldn't meet the elements of a crime.
(this post is a daydream, not my opinion)
eng: https://droitromain.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/Anglica/D48_Scott.htm#:~:text=18.%20Ulpianus,thinking%2E
lat: https://droitromain.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/Corpus/d-48.htm#48.19.18
Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur.
(No one is punished for merely thinking)
a provision (?) of Roman law by Ulpian. [Digest 48.19.18]
i've considered this an absolute principle since i was 14. assumed it was the origin of article 19 of japan's constitution