coke is the best drink on earth. nothing compares to playing genshin while eating coke and drinking potato chips.
coke is the best drink on earth. nothing compares to playing genshin while eating coke and drinking potato chips.
when i used avoidance techniques (as always).
i'm saying "N shibyura".
i can't say that word at the beginning, so i'm inserting N.
i've struggled with speech since childhood. stuttering speech disorder? (undiagnosed)
#stuttering #stutter #stammering #stammer
i read aloud “Sibylline Oracles” on wikipedia.
don't expect much from anything taxpayer funded. hire your own private doctor and attorney. /nsrs
things not based on the user pays principle lead to corruption.
if you must go to school, you should transfer the tuition yourself so you can choose the right school. the same goes for nursing homes.