2023-12-18 23:30:12 @w3c@w3c.social

Happy birthday CSS!

27 years ago, on 17 December 1996, CSS level 1 became a W3C Recommendation led by Håkon Wium Lie and @bert.

Kudos and many thanks to the Editors, Chairs and all who have contributed to CSS over the years and brought style and beauty to the web.


CSS Validation icon. On left, the W3C logo against a white background. At right, "CSS" in black text against a light blue background. at the right edge, a blue checkmark extending over the edge of the frame
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2023-12-19 23:30:25 @w3c@w3c.social

Happy holidays!!

We wish you happy holidays and all the best for 2024! We’re looking forward to what we’ll accomplish together in 2024.

Warmly, from all of us at the World Wide Web Consortium. See a blog post by @koalie at:

Web site image
Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium!
W3C logo turned into W30C. 1994-2024. Quote by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, which reads 'The Web is humanity connected by technology'. We wish you happy holidays and all the best for 2024! We're looking forward to what we'll accomplish together in 2024
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2023-12-20 21:30:24 @w3c@w3c.social

Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web and Vint Cerf invented the Internet. Some people often talk about one but mean the other.

They once wore custom-made t-shirts to help identify which invention was theirs!

a picture of Tim Berners-Lee and Vint Cerf standing next to each other in front of a green and blue curtain. Tim, on left, is a smiling man with light hair. He's wearing a blue tshirt that says "I didn't invent the internet". Vint Cerf, a smiling man with a white beard, is on the right. He is wearing a white button up shirt and over it, a blue tshirt that says "I did not invent the Web"
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2023-12-22 23:30:04 @w3c@w3c.social

Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium!
Joyeuses fêtes de la part du World Wide Web Consortium !
W3CからHappy holidaysを皆様へ!

To all the people who join forces at the Web Consortium to make the Web work, for everyone, we wish you happy holidays and all the best for 2024!


Web site image
Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium!
W3C logo turned into W30C. 1994-2024. Quote by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, which reads 'The Web is humanity connected by technology'. We wish you happy holidays and all the best for 2024! We're looking forward to what we'll accomplish together in 2024
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