[「マリオ」の名前の由来 マリオ・セガールさん 死去 | NHKニュース]( https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20181103/k10011696981000.html )
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[気象庁|地震情報]( http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/quake/quake_local_index.html )
@Constellations It doesnt matter.
almost earthquakes are very small and short!! So we don't feel horrible.
@Constellations additionally, quake happens narrow region. so almost people doesnt get earthquake.
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[「idk」や「tbh」,「btw」,「ttyl」とはどういう意味? SNSでよく見る英語のネットスラング]( https://masterlanguage.net/word/4911.html )
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[Recomposeとは何だったのか、またはHooksが開けたパンドラの箱についての考察 / Recompose Funeral March - Speaker Deck]( https://speakerdeck.com/oukayuka/recompose-funeral-march )
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