
This week in KDE, we made new improvements to our Wayland stack, redesigned the Info Center's sidebar, and continued working on Qt6 porting 🎉


Ark’s welcome screen. Now richer with features.
Attach image
The Info Center, with a flattened sidebar structure.
Attach image
Okular’s default toolbar layout has now been tweaked a bit, and now includes the “View Mode” menu by default and also shows the zoom and view buttons on the left side, with the tools on the right side.
Attach image

WARNING: Global themes and widgets created by 3rd party developers for Plasma can and will run arbitrary code. You are encouraged to exercise extreme caution when using these products.

A user has had a bad experience installing a global theme on Plasma and lost personal data.


Global themes change the look of Plasma, but also the behavior. To do this they run code, and this code can be faulty, as in the case mentioned above. The same goes for widgets and plasmoids.


We are calling on the community to help us locate and quarantine defective software by using the "Report" buttons available on each item in the KDE Store.


Please see the attached image to locate them.

Web site image
Browse Latest | https://store.kde.org/browse/
Screen shot of https://store.kde.org with arrows pointing to the "Report" buttons in the right column.
Attach image