
This week in KDE we started porting Plasma to Qt6, made the new outline configurable, improved the reliability of multi-screen setup and much more!

Read all about it at


Showing linked buttons in Breeze-themed GTK apps like Rhythmbox that now look better.
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Shows Breeze-themed windows with the intensity of the outline turned down.
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This week in KDE, we made new improvements to our Wayland stack, redesigned the Info Center's sidebar, and continued working on Qt6 porting 🎉


Ark’s welcome screen. Now richer with features.
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The Info Center, with a flattened sidebar structure.
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Okular’s default toolbar layout has now been tweaked a bit, and now includes the “View Mode” menu by default and also shows the zoom and view buttons on the left side, with the tools on the right side.
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@gnome Congrats on an awesome release! :gnome: 🎉


This week in KDE, we made screencasting work in XWayland applications, made Discover handle Fedora distro updates, and much more!


Plasma overlay showing the following text "Night color on" and the new corresponding icon
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Context menu in Dolphin allowing to configure whether they want to show item on hover
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