Ivory for iOS and Mac have both been updated over the weekend! If you haven't gotten it yet, go grab it here:
Also, a sneak peak of what is coming next:
A Mastodon Client for iOS & Mac.
We try our best to answer questions here, but sometimes are unable to. We generally don’t see mentions on weekends and holidays.
Get stickers and other Ivory/Tapbots goods here: https://cottonbureau.com/people/tapbots
Ivory for iOS and Mac have both been updated over the weekend! If you haven't gotten it yet, go grab it here:
Also, a sneak peak of what is coming next:
@firefish @oliver This is actually not true. The way our app is built is just unable to run services that use alphanumeric post ID's. Our app is based on a Twitter client and we only had to build it to support numeric posts. We want to support more services, but it will take time to do so. Something we will look into in the future.
Ivory now supports custom instance emoji on
(Mac) and
The update will roll out over the next few days, but you can grab it now here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ivory-for-mastodon-by-tapbots/id6444602274
Once updated, just tap the smiley face icon in the compose window to view and select a custom emoji from your server instance.