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June 4: An important update from Jimmy Wales
Please don't scroll past this 1-minute read. This Tuesday, June 4, I ask you to reflect on the number of times you visited Wikipedia in the past year, the value you got from it, and whether you're able to give ¥300 to the Wikimedia Foundation. If you can, please join the 2% of readers who give. If everyone reading this right now gave just ¥300, we'd hit our goal in a couple of hours.
Wikipedia is not perfect, but also not here to make a profit or to push a particular perspective. It is written by everyone, together. We want everyone to have equal access to high-quality information – something that is hard to find online.
If Wikipedia has given you ¥300 worth of knowledge this year, please give back. There are no small contributions: every edit counts, every donation counts. Thank you.
(亻プー歌詞ツイートもだけど)亻プーツイートをこっちでやるのはちょっと反省したほうが良くて、向こうで亻プーレッションを稼いでいるのは亻プーツイートなのだからせめて定期ツイートと亻プーツイートくらいはtwitterに流してやらないとあっちに何も残らないんだよな まあ何も残す必要はないが