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@GiacomoSansoni Well, not everyone can/will selfhost or join one such instance... To be fair, with the mass adoption of fediverse, recentralization is more or less inevitable... It's the moderation aspect that matters more.
@nightandnight 隐私这事情主要是控制别人能知道什么,而不是躲躲藏藏,毕竟一般人是躲不过真正有能力的一方的。这里“别人”的定义就要看个人的threat model了。
[en] Indeed #PublicTransport is a miniature ideal #society - passengers do different things, be it reading or chatting or whatnot, but they also agree on how to allocate the seats and behave for the benefit of others. #Commutes can be enjoyable - get away from your steering wheel and just silently observe it.
[zh] 我们可以把公共交通工具看成一个微缩版的理想社会:各人自顾自地在做各样的事,无论是看书聊天或是打手游,但同时又会达成一种为他人着想的默契,会主动让座,会遵守秩序。开车人不妨坐上一辆公交车,观察一下这个世界,可能会有乐趣呢。