
Familiarize yourself with the Start Page Dashboard and its widgets by checking out the latest Vivaldi 101 episode! ✍️ 🤩


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Oh happy day! Not only is it Friday, one of the nicest days of the week, it’s also Vivaldi Social’s birthday. :tony_happy: 🎉 We’ve now been on Mastodon for two wholesome years.

We choose to do things that make your experience on the web better and we wholeheartedly believe that Vivaldi Social does just that. We want to provide a platform where people can join in on the smart, funny, and empathetic conversations taking place all over the Fediverse.

The only thing we wish for our two-year birthday is for more people to experience the power of the Fediverse, so make sure you tell a friend about Vivaldi Social today!

Here’s to many more years! :tony_wee:

With love,
Team Vivaldi

Vivaldi's mascot Tony (bottom left corner) and Mastodon's mascot (bottom right corner) celebrating Vivaldi Social's 2nd birthday around a big number two (in the middle).
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今日は Vivaldi Social は誕生日! 🎉
私たちが Mastodon を始めて、もう丸2年が経ちました。

私たちはいつも、みんなのウェブ体験をもっと楽しくするために色々取り組んでいます。Vivaldi Social はその一部として、とってもいい感じに役立っていると信じています!

2周年を迎えて、私たちが望むのはたった一つ。もっと多くの人に Fediverse の魅力を知ってもらうこと!賢くて、面白くて、心温まる場である Vivaldi Social、ぜひお友達にも 紹介してみてくださいね!

これからもたくさんの楽しい時間を一緒に作っていきましょう :tony_wee:

チーム Vivaldi

Vivaldi's mascot Tony (bottom left corner) and Mastodon's mascot (bottom right corner) celebrating Vivaldi Social's 2nd birthday around a big number two (in the middle).
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